Palmerston North City Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting Part I Public, held in the Elwood Room, Conference & Function Centre, 354 Main Street, Palmerston North on 24 June 2020, commencing at 9.00am
Members Present: |
The Mayor (Grant Smith) (in the Chair) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere. |
Declarations of Interest |
Councillor Rachel Bowen declared an interest in Item 22, Appeal to Plan Change C: Kākātangiata Stage 1: Kikiwhenua Residential Area (Clause 78). She was a member of the Hearings Panel that determined this consent. She did not participate in discussion and left the room during the determination of this item. Councillor Lorna Johnson declared an interest in Item 22, Appeal to Plan Change C: Kākātangiata Stage 1: Kikiwhenua Residential Area (Clause 78). She was a member of the Hearings Panel that determined this consent. She did not participate in discussion and left the room during the determination of this item. Councillor Vaughan Dennison declared an interest in Item 18 Presentation of the Part 1 Public Finance and Audit Committee Recommendations from its 17 June 2020 Meeting (Clause 71). He works at the Homes for People Trust and withdrew from the vote.
The Council noted the declarations of interest. |
Alteration to Standing Orders - remote participation Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy and Governance Manager. Council discussed how much discretion the Chair should have to refuse a member from participation electronically in a meeting. Council amended the proposed changes to Standing Orders to stipulate that Chairs must advise the committee of any requests to participate remotely and the reasons for their decision. The meeting adjourned at 10.25am. The meeting resumed at 10.45am.
Moved Aleisha Rutherford, seconded Lorna Johnson. RESOLVED 1. Receive the report titled “Alteration to Standing Orders – remote participation” dated 24 June 2020. 2. Amend the Standing Orders to include Part 4 Remote Participation (Appendix 1 of the “Alteration to Standing Orders – remote participation” report dated 24 June 2020) with the following changes: · 4.6 – Conditions for attending by audio or audio visual link Noting Standing Order 4.7, members have the right to attend meetings be electronic link, with the approval of the Chairperson. Such approval is not to be unreasonably withheld. At the commencement of a meeting the Chairperson will advise of any decisions made regarding any requests for the remote participation of a member, along with the reason(s) for the decision that the Chairperson has taken. · 4.4 – Member’s status: voting Where a meeting has a quorum, determined by the number physically present, the members attending by electronic link have full participation rights, with the exception of being counted towards the quorum. · 4.6 and 4.8 – “and” to be replaced with “or”. 3. That Council and committee meetings in the 2019-2022 triennium be webcast and recorded. 4. Note that the Council Chamber will need the appropriate technology to be in place to allow remote participation. |
Clause 65-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Review of Standing Orders Report, presented by Hannah White, Democracy and Governance Manager. |
Moved Grant Smith, seconded Leonie Hapeta. RESOLVED 1. That the report “Review of Standing Orders”, presented to Council 24 June 2020 be received. 2. That Council appoint a Standing Orders Working Group (Option 2) consisting of the Deputy Mayor (lead), Councillor Handcock, Councillor Naylor and Councillor Rutherford to conduct a comprehensive review of the Council’s Standing Orders. 3. That Council approve the Terms of Reference of the Standing Orders Working Group (as attached in Appendix 1). 4. That Council notes the Standing Orders Working Group will report their recommendations back to Council in October 2020. |
Clause 66-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Remits to Local Government New Zealand 2020 Annual General Meeting Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy and Governance Manager. The Council queried how Council’s own remits had progressed and were informed that the process had stalled due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Council asked officers to produce a clearer timeframe for submitting future remits and requested that remits be added as a standing item on the Council’s work schedule. |
Moved Grant Smith, seconded Tangi Utikere. RESOLVED 1. That the Council endorses the following remits to be submitted by Whanganui District Council to the Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting on 21 August 2020 1) Four-year election cycle 2) Loans for low-cost housing 3) Measuring and reporting on Local Government’s CO2 emissions 4) Rates rebates for low income property owners |
Clause 67-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Amendment to the Council and Committee Meeting Schedule for 2020 Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy and Governance Manager. |
Moved Vaughan Dennison, seconded Aleisha Rutherford. RESOLVED 1. Agree that the Rangitāne o Manawatū Committee will meet at 2pm on 29 July 2020 in the Function and Conference Centre. |
Clause 68-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Council Work Schedule |
Moved Grant Smith, seconded Tangi Utikere. RESOLVED 1. That the Council receive its Work Schedule dated 24 June 2020. 2. That the LGNZ Remit item be added to the Work Schedule as a standing item. |
Clause 69-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Recommendations from Committee Meetings
Economic Development Committee Part I Public - 3 June 2020 Consideration was given to Economic Development Committee recommendations as appended to these minutes. |
Moved Tangi Utikere, seconded Leonie Hapeta. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee's recommendations be adopted. |
Clause 70-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Planning & Strategy Committee Part I Public - 10 June 2020 Consideration was given to Planning & Strategy Committee recommendations as appended to these minutes. |
Moved Aleisha Rutherford, seconded Patrick Handcock ONZM. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee's recommendations be adopted. |
Clause 71-20 above was carried 15 votes to 0, with 1 abstention, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. Abstained: Councillor Leonie Hapeta. |
Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee Part I Public - 10 June 2020 Consideration was given to Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee recommendations as appended to these minutes. |
Moved Rachel Bowen, seconded Brent Barrett. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee's recommendations be adopted. |
Clause 72-20 above was carried 14 votes to 0, with 2 abstentions, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor and Bruno Petrenas. Abstained: Councillors Leonie Hapeta and Aleisha Rutherford. |
Finance & Audit Committee Part I Public - 17 June 2020 Consideration was given to Finance & Audit Committee recommendations as appended to these minutes. |
Moved Susan Baty, seconded Karen Naylor. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee's recommendations be adopted. |
Clause 73-20 above was carried 15 votes to 0, with 1 abstention, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. Abstained: Councillor Tangi Utikere. Note: Councillor Vaughan Dennison declared a conflict of interest and withdrew from the discussion. |
Play, Recreation & Sport Committee Part I Public - 17 June 2020 Consideration was given to Play, Recreation & Sport Committee recommendations as appended to these minutes. |
Moved Leonie Hapeta, seconded Billy Meehan. RESOLVED 1. That the Committee's recommendations be adopted. |
Clause 74-20 above was carried 15 votes to 0, with 1 abstention, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. Abstained: Councillor Tangi Utikere. |
Exclusion of Public
75-20 |
Recommendation to Exclude Public |
Moved Grant Smith, seconded Karen Naylor. RESOLVED “That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.
Clause 75-20 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows: For: The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Tangi Utikere, Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford. |
The public part of the meeting finished at 11.31am.
Confirmed 26 August 2020
Palmerston North City Council
Resolution to Set Rates for the 2020/2021 year
The Palmerston North City Council resolves to set rates for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2020 and ending on 30 June 2021 in accordance with the Rating Policies and Funding Impact Statement contained in its Annual Budget (Plan) 2020/21 as follows:
1 Details of rates to be set
· All rates and charges shown are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax.
· References to the ‘Act’ relate to the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.
1.1 Uniform Annual General Charge
A Uniform Annual General Charge of $500 on each rating unit pursuant to section 15 of the Act.
1.2 Water Supply Rates
A targeted rate for water supply, set under section 16 of the Act, of:
· $255 per separately used or inhabited part of a residential rating unit which is connected to a Council operated waterworks system. This charge is not made where water supply is invoiced on the basis of water consumed.
· $255 per rating unit for all other rating units which are connected to a Council operated waterworks system. This charge is not made where water supply is invoiced on the basis of water consumed.
· $127.50 per rating unit which is not connected to a Council operated waterworks system but which is serviceable (i.e. within 100 metres of such waterworks system) and the Council would allow a connection.
Instead of the above targeted rates for metered water supply, targeted rates set under sections 16 and 19 of the Act, of $1.265 per cubic metre of water supplied to any rating unit that is invoiced on the basis of water supplied plus a fixed amount of $172.50 per metered connection for connections of 25mm or less and $375 for connections greater than 25mm.
1.3 Wastewater Disposal Rates
A targeted rate for wastewater disposal, set under section 16 of the Act, of:
· $241 per separately used or inhabited part of a residential rating unit which is connected to a public wastewater drain.
· $241 per rating unit for all other rating units which are connected to a public wastewater drain.
· $241 per pan (i.e. water closet or urinal) for all pans in excess of three for non-residential rating units connected to a public wastewater drain.
· $120.50 per separately used or inhabited part of a residential rating unit which is not connected to a public wastewater drain but which is serviceable (i.e. within 30 metres of such a drain) and the Council would allow the connection.
· $120.50 per rating unit for all other rating units which are not connected to a public wastewater drain but which is serviceable (i.e. within 30 metres of such a drain) and the Council would allow the connection.
1.4 Rubbish and Recycling Rates
1.4.1 Kerbside Recycling
A targeted rate for kerbside recycling set under section 16 of the Act of:
· $126 per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for residential properties receiving the Council’s kerbside collection service.
· $126 per rating unit for non-residential and rural/semi-serviced properties receiving the Council’s kerbside collection service.
Where ratepayers elect, and the Council agrees, additional levels of service may be provided. These additional services could be by way of provision of more recycling bins or more frequent service. Each additional level of service will be charged a rate of $126. This may include charges to non-rateable rating units where the service is provided.
1.4.2 Rubbish and Public Recycling
A targeted rate for rubbish and public recycling set under section 16 of the Act of $64 per separately used or inhabited part of each residential rating unit and $64 per rating unit for all other rating units. Rating units which are vacant land will not be liable for these rates.
1.5 Warm Palmerston North
A targeted rate set on all properties that have benefited from the installation of insulation through the Warm Up Palmy Home Insulation Scheme. The rate is calculated as a percentage of the service amount (the cost of the installation) until the service amount and the costs of servicing the serviced amount are recovered. For 2020/21 the rate will be 16%.
1.6 General Rate
A general rate pursuant to section 13 of the Act set on all rateable land on the basis of land value and assessed differentially (based on land use) against each property group code at the rate of cents in the dollar set down in the following schedule:
Differential Group
Differential Factor (expressed as % of Group Code MS) |
Rate (cents in $ of LV)
Code |
Brief Description |
R1 |
Single unit residential |
Balance (approx. 78) |
0.5978 |
R2 |
Two unit residential |
115 |
0.8766 |
R3 |
Three unit residential |
125 |
0.9529 |
R4 |
Four unit residential |
135 |
1.0291 |
R5 |
Five unit residential |
145 |
1.1053 |
R6 |
Six unit residential |
155 |
1.1816 |
R7 |
Seven unit residential |
165 |
1.2578 |
R8 |
Eight or more unit residential |
175 |
1.3340 |
MS |
Miscellaneous |
100 |
0.7623 |
CI |
Non-residential (Commercial/Industrial) |
265 |
2.0201 |
FL |
Rural & Semi-serviced (5 hectares or more) |
20 |
0.1525 |
FS |
Rural & Semi-serviced (0.2 hectares or less) |
60 |
0.4574 |
FM |
Rural & Semi-serviced (between 0.2 & 5 hectares) |
45 |
0.3430 |
2. Due Dates for Payment of Rates
Rates (other than metered water targeted rates) will be payable at the offices or agencies of the Council in four quarterly instalments on 1 August 2020, 1 November 2020, 1 February 2021 and 1 May 2021.
The due dates (i.e. final day for payment without incurring penalty) shall be:
Instalment One 28 August 2020
Instalment Two 27 November 2020
Instalment Three 26 February 2021
Instalment Four 28 May 2021
3. Due Dates for Payment of Metered Water Targeted Rates
Properties which have water provided through a metered supply will be invoiced either monthly or two monthly at the discretion of the Council.
The due date for metered water targeted rates shall be the 20th of the month following invoice date as follows:
Monthly invoicing |
Instalment |
Date meter read & invoice issued |
Due date |
Instalment |
Date meter read & invoice issued |
Due date |
1 2 3 4 5 6
June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 |
20 July 2020 20 August 2020 20 September 2020 20 October 2020 20 November 2020 20 December 2020 |
7 8 9 10 11 12 |
December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 |
20 January 2021 20 February 2021 20 March 2021 20 April 2021 20 May 2021 20 June 2021 |
Two monthly invoicing |
Linton, East & North Rounds |
Ashhurst, South West, PNCC & Central Rounds |
Instalment |
Date meter read & invoice issued |
Due date |
Instalment |
Date meter read & invoice issued |
Due date |
1 2 3 4 5 6
June 2020 August 2020 October 2020 December 2020 February 2021 April 2021 |
20 July 2020 20 September 2020 20 November 2020 20 January 2021 20 March 2021 20 May 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
July 2020 September 2020 November 2020 January 2021 March 2021 May 2021 |
20 August 2020 20 October 2020 20 December 2020 20 February 2021 20 April 2021 20 June 2021 |
4. Penalties on Unpaid Rates (excluding metered water)
A penalty charge of 10% will be added on the following dates to any portion of an instalment remaining unpaid after the due dates:
Instalment One 1 September 2020
Instalment Two 1 December 2020
Instalment Three 1 March 2021
Instalment Four 1 June 2021
Any penalty charge imposed on the outstanding first instalment will be automatically remitted provided payment of the full year’s rates is made by 27 November 2020.
A penalty charge of 10% will be added to any outstanding rates (including penalties) assessed in previous years and remaining outstanding at 2 July 2020 (penalty applied on 3 July 2020) and again on 4 January 2021 (penalty applied on 5 January 2021).
Penalties will not be applied to the metered water targeted rate.
24 June 2020
Council - Part I 24 June 2020
Recommendations from Committee
TO: Council
MEETING DATE: 24 June 2020
TITLE: Presentation of the Part I Public Committee of Council Recommendations from its 10 June 2020 Meeting
Set out below are the recommendations only from the Committee of Council meeting Part I Public held on 10 June 2020. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)
14-20 |
Finalising the Annual Budget (Plan) for 2020/21 Memorandum, presented by Stuart McKinnon, Chief Financial Officer. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL 2. Adopt the Amended Annual Budget 2020/21, with the report titled “Finalising the Annual Budget (Plan) 2020/21” 3. Acknowledge that the Prospective Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense for the Annual Budget shows a budgeted deficit of $3.6m for the 2020/21 year, and that using the calculation required by the Local Government (Financial Reporting and Prudence) Regulations 2014, projects a deficit of $7.5m. For the reasons outlined in the memorandum the Council resolves this outcome is financially prudent having regard for the matters contained in Section 100 of the Local Government Act 2002. 4. Delegate Authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive to approve the final Annual Budget (Plan) document for publication. 5. Acknowledge that the adoption of the Annual Budget (Plan) 2020/21 be confirmed as a significant decision within the parameters of the Local Government Act 2002 and that the Council is satisfied that all submissions have been considered and that there has been compliance with the decision-making and consultation requirements of the Act. 6. Delegate Authority to the Chief Executive to authorise payments to Council-controlled organisations and other external organisations in accordance with their respective service level agreements. |
Council - Part I 24 June 2020
Recommendations from Committee
TO: Council
MEETING DATE: 24 June 2020
TITLE: Presentation of the Part I Public Economic Development Committee Recommendations from its 3 June 2020 Meeting
Set out below are the recommendations only from the Economic Development Committee meeting Part I Public held on 3 June 2020. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)
17-20 |
Business Improvement District Policy Memorandum, presented by David Murphy, City Planning Manager. 1. That the Business Improvement District Policy (2020), as attached to the memorandum reported to the 3 June 2020 Economic Development Committee titled “Business Improvement District Policy”, be received. 2. That the last paragraph of Section 9 of the BID policy be revised to state “The Council will prepare and require the BID Association to complete an annual accountability agreement on terms satisfactory to the Council.” 3. That Council not be included on the voting register, but will be liable for the targeted rate. 4. That the Business Improvement District Policy (2020) as attached to the memorandum reported to the 3 June 2020 Economic Development Committee be adopted as amended. 5. That the Mayor and Chairperson of the Economic Development Committee be authorised to make minor amendments to the Business Improvement District Policy (2020), as attached to the memorandum reported to the 3 June 2020 Economic Development Committee titled “Business Improvement District Policy”, prior to a Business Improvement District proponent putting forward a proposal to Council under the Business Improvement District Policy (2020). |
Council - Part I 24 June 2020
Recommendations from Committee
TO: Council
MEETING DATE: 24 June 2020
TITLE: Presentation of the Part I Public Planning & Strategy Committee Recommendations from its 10 June 2020 Meeting
Set out below are the recommendations only from the Planning & Strategy Committee meeting Part I Public held on 10 June 2020. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)
17-20 |
Consultation on Draft Auahi Kore Smokefree and Vapefree Policy 2020 Report, presented by Lili Kato, Policy Analyst, Julie Macdonald Strategy and Policy Manager. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 1. That the proposed Auahi Kore Smokefree and Vapefree Policy 2020 be approved for consultation (included in attachment 1 of the report titled ‘Consultation on Draft Auahi Kore Smokefree and Vapefree Policy 2020’ reported to the Planning & Strategy Committee on 10 June 2020). 2. That the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Planning & Strategy Committee be authorised to approve any minor amendments to the Consultation Document of the draft Auahi Kore Smokefree and Vapefree Policy 2020. |
19-20 |
Council Commitment to Deliver Safe Drinking Water Memorandum, presented by Robert van Bentum, Manager - Transport and Infrastructure. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 1. That the report titled “Council Commitment to Deliver Safe Drinking Water”, reported to the Planning & Strategy Committee on 10 June 2020, be received. 2. That the Commitment Statement included as an attachment to the report titled “Council Commitment to Deliver Safe Drinking Water”, reported to the Planning & Strategy Committee on 10 June 2020, be formally adopted. 3. That Council delegate the Chief Executive to sign the Commitment Statement to be included in all Water Safety Plans to be submitted to the Drinking Water Assessor. |
Council - Part I 24 June 2020
Recommendations from Committee
TO: Council
MEETING DATE: 24 June 2020
TITLE: Presentation of the Part I Public Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee Recommendations from its 10 June 2020 Meeting
Set out below are the recommendations only from the Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee meeting Part I Public held on 10 June 2020. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)
Cultural CCOs Draft Statements of Intent 2020-23 Memorandum, presented by Julie Macdonald, Strategy & Policy Manager. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 2. That the Globe Theatre Trust is advised of the recommended changes to the final Statement of Intent 2020–23 outlined in Table 1 of this memorandum entitled ‘Cultural CCOs Draft Statements of Intent 2020-23’. 3. That Caccia Birch Trust Board is advised of the recommended changes to the final Statement of Intent 2020–23 outlined in Table 3 of this memorandum entitled ‘Cultural CCOs Draft Statements of Intent 2020-23’. 4. That the Regent Theatre Trust is advised of the recommended changes to the final Statement of Intent 2020–23 outlined in Table 5 of this memorandum entitled ‘Cultural CCOs Draft Statements of Intent 2020-23’. 5. That Te Manawa Museums Trust is advised of the recommended changes to the final Statement of Intent 2020–23 outlined in Table 7 of this memorandum entitled ‘Cultural CCOs Draft Statements of Intent 2020-23’. 6. That the proposal in the Globe Theatre Trust draft Statement of Intent for an increase of $50,000 per year to the Globe Theatre Trust operating grant be referred to the 10 Year Plan 2021–31 process. 7. That the proposal in the Caccia Birch Trust Board draft Statement of Intent for an increase of $40,000 per year to the Caccia Birch Trust Board operating grant be referred to the 10 Year Plan 2021–31 process. |
11-20 |
Maintenance and Renewal Plans and Budgets for Cultural Facilities Memorandum, presented by Bryce Hosking, Manager - Property. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 2. That Council approve the consistent capital renewal and maintenance approach in the cultural facilities portfolio (excluding the library) whereby Council only maintains the fixed assets and those that are part of the building fabric, and the balance of works would be the tenant’s responsibility and at their cost. |
12-20 |
Options for formalising the relationship between Palmerston North City Council and the NZ Rugby Museum Report, presented by Joann Ransom, Community Development Manager. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 2. That the Chief Executive be instructed to develop a proposal for an annual grant to the NZ Rugby Museum for Councillors to consider in the Long Term Plan process, as per Option 1 in the report titled ‘Options for formalising the relationship between Palmerston North City Council and the NZ Rugby Museum’ presented to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee on 10 June 2020. 3. That the Chief Executive provide assistance to NZ Rugby Museum if it chooses to seek funding through the central government Museum Hardship Fund. |
Council - Part I 24 June 2020
Recommendations from Committee
TO: Council
MEETING DATE: 24 June 2020
TITLE: Presentation of the Part I Public Finance & Audit Committee Recommendations from its 17 June 2020 Meeting
Set out below are the recommendations only from the Finance & Audit Committee meeting Part I Public held on 17 June 2020. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)
21-20 |
Palmerston North Airport Limited - Updated draft Statement of Intent for 2020/21 Memorandum, presented by Steve Paterson, Strategy Manager - Finance. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 1. That the Palmerston North Airport Ltd updated draft Statement of Intent for 2020/21, presented to the Finance & Audit Committee on 17 June 2020, be received and the Company be advised that: · Council supports the draft SOI recognising the uncertainty of significant assumptions that have had to be made in its preparation · Council requests an updated company position be provided (in October) and if changes have been significant that an amended SOI (including projections for 2021/22 and 2022/23) be provided to the Council for consideration · Council encourages the Board to progress its capital development programme when financially prudent. |
22-20 |
Fees and Charges - Confirmation Following Public Consultation Memorandum, presented by Steve Paterson, Strategy Manager - Finance. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 1. That the submission relating to planning fees, as attached in Appendix A of the memorandum titled ‘Fees and Charges – Confirmation Following Public Consultation’ presented to the Finance & Audit Committee on 17 June 2020, be received. 2. That the fees and charges for Trade Waste Services, as scheduled in Appendix C of the memorandum titled `Fees and Charges – Confirmation Following Public Consultation’, presented to the Finance & Audit Committee on 17 June 2020, be approved, effective from 1 July 2020. 3. That the fees and charges for Planning & Miscellaneous Services, as scheduled in Appendix B of the memorandum titled `Fees and Charges – Confirmation Following Public Consultation’ presented to the Finance & Audit Committee on 17 June 2020, be approved, effective from 1 July 2020. |
24-20 |
CET Arena - Commercial Building Opportunity Report, presented by Bryce Hosking, Manager - Property. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 1. That Council does not proceed with the balance of programme #1514 – Central Energy Trust Arena Manawatu – Commercial Building in the current financial year. |
Council - Part I 24 June 2020
Recommendations from Committee
TO: Council
MEETING DATE: 24 June 2020
TITLE: Presentation of the Part I Public Play, Recreation & Sport Committee Recommendations from its 17 June 2020 Meeting
Set out below are the recommendations only from the Play, Recreation & Sport Committee meeting Part I Public held on 17 June 2020. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)
16-20 |
Victoria Esplanade Park Road entrance and Cook Street/Park Road Intersection options Report, presented by Kathy Dever-Tod - Manager Parks and Reserves. The COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS 1. Receive the report entitled “Victoria Esplanade Park Road entrance and Cook Street/Park Road intersection options, dated 17 June 2020”. 2. Recommend that Council approve Scenario A for the controlled intersection upgrade of Cook Street and Park Road, which includes a traffic signal upgrade and closing the access from Nathan Place to Park Road on a temporary basis to assess the impacts, before a decision is made to proceed with the permanent closure. 3. That Council approve Option One for the Park Road entrance reconfiguration to the Victoria Esplanade, which includes a replacement car park, as detailed in this report. 4. That Council note that Victoria Esplanade Park Road entrance and Cook Street/Park Road intersection projects will be tendered together to try and obtain cost savings for both projects, to remain with the current budget provision. 5. That Council note that the results of the tender will be reported to the Finance and Audit Committee. |