























Grant Smith (Mayor)

Tangi Utikere (Deputy Mayor)

Brent Barrett

Leonie Hapeta

Susan Baty

Jim Jefferies

Rachel Bowen

Lorna Johnson

Adrian Broad

Duncan McCann

Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke

Karen Naylor

Vaughan Dennison

Bruno Petrenas

Lew Findlay QSM

Aleisha Rutherford












Extraordinary Council MEETING


7 June 2017



Pursuant to Clause 21 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, I hereby requisition an extraordinary meeting of the Council to be held at 9.00am on Wednesday, 7 June 2017 in the Council Chamber, first floor, Civic Administration Building, 32 The Square, Palmerston North, to consider the business stated below.












Order of Business

(NOTE: The commencement time for this meeting coincides with the commencement time for the Planning and Strategy Committee and the Sport and Recreation meetings. The format for the meeting will be that the Planning and Strategy Committee and Extraordinary Council meetings will open, take apologies and adjourn immediately to allow the Sport and Recreation to consider its business. At the conclusion of the Sport and Recreation Committee meeting the Planning and Strategy Committee meeting and then the Extraordinary Council meeting will resume to consider its business.)


1.         Apologies

2.         Confirmation of Agenda and Urgent items

Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s), which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded, will be discussed.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.  No resolution, decision or recommendation can be made in respect of a minor item.   


3.         Proposed LGNZ Remits - Christchurch City Council                                         Page 7

Memorandum, dated 30 May 2017 from the Governance & Support Team Leader, Kyle Whitfield.    

 4.        Exclusion of Public



To be moved:

“That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution


Chief Executive Appointment [Limited circulation]




This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.

Also that the persons listed below be permitted to remain after the public has been excluded for the reasons stated.

Acting Chief Executive (David Wright), Chief Financial Officer (Grant Elliott), General Manager, City Enterprises (Ray McIndoe), General Manager, City Future (Sheryl Bryant), General Manager, City Networks (Ray Swadel), General Manager, Customer Services (Peter Eathorne), General Manager, Libraries and Community Services (Debbie Duncan), Human Resources Manager (Wayne Wilson) and Strategic Communications Manager (Mark Torley) because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with advice on matters both from an organisation-wide context (being members of the Council’s Management Team) and also from their specific role within the Council.

Legal Counsel (John Annabell), because of his knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with legal and procedural advice.

Governance and Support Team Leader (Kyle Whitfield) and Committee Administrators (Penny Odell, Carly Chang and Rachel Corser), because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with procedural advice and record the proceedings of the meeting.

Any Officers because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report and answering questions, noting that such officer will be present at the meeting only for the item that relate to their respective report.

Any third parties, because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report/s [or other matters as specified] and answering questions, noting that such person/s will be present at the meeting only for the items that relate to their respective report/s [or matters as specified].










TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           7 June 2017

TITLE:                            Proposed LGNZ Remits - Christchurch City Council

DATE:                            30 May 2017

AUTHOR/S:                   Kyle Whitfield, Governance & Support Team Leader, City Corporate




1.   That Council support the ‘Renewable Electricity Procurement’ remit from Christchurch City Council.

2.   That Council support the ‘Single-use plastic bags’ remit from Christchurch City Council.

3.   That Council support the ‘Mandatory register of cooling towers’ remit from Christchurch City Council.



1.         ISSUE

Christchurch City Council has asked for support on the following three remits:

Renewable Electricity Procurement

That Local Government New Zealand supports the increased procurement of electricity from renewable sources by:

-     Requiring member Council to prioritise the procurement of electricity from renewable and/or sustainable sources over the next ten years.

-     Advocating to central government to prioritise the procurement of electricity from renewable and/or sustainable sources for its All of Government contracts over the next ten years.

-     Advocating to central government to limit the generation of electricity from non-renewable and/or sustainable sources over the next ten years.

-     That member councils reiterate their comments to the 2015 Local Government Leaders Climate Change Declaration.

The full remit is attached as attachment 1. This has been drafted in accordance with guidance from LGNZ.


Single-use plastic bags

That member Councils seek to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags in their districts by:

-     Taking a leadership role by reducing the use of single-use plastic bags at Council-run events and libraries.

-     Expanding community education on alterative options and responsible disposal of plastics through marketing and communication material.

-     Working proactively with supermarkets and retailers in their districts.

-     Incorporating environmental considerations into their procurement policies.

-     Ask LGNZ ask central government to name single-use plastic bags as a priority product for a product stewardship scheme under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

The full remit is attached as attachment 2. This has been drafted in accordance with guidance from LGNZ

Mandatory register of cooling towers

That LGNZ acknowledges the potentially fatal risks posed by legionella bacteria in industrial water cooling towers used for air conditioning and manufacturing.


That LGNZ asks central government to resume its work related to reducing the risks posed by legionella bacteria in industrial water cooling towers. This could include:


-     Making amendments to the Building Act 2004 to collect information for a mandatory register of cooling towers and a mandatory testing and reporting regime. 

-     Providing enforcement powers to Councils to address the risks associated with cooling towers such as requiring regular testing, reporting and compliance with specified standards under Building Warrant of Fitness certification.

-     Requiring medical professionals to report cases of legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease) to local District Health Boards’ Medical Officers of Health (as is required with Campylobacter outbreaks).


The full remit is attached as attachment 3. This has been drafted in accordance with guidance from LGNZ





Remit - Renewable Electricity



Remit - Single Use Plastic Bags



Remit - Mandatory Register of Cooling Towers




Kyle Whitfield

Governance & Support Team Leader




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