























Grant Smith (Mayor)

Tangi Utikere (Deputy Mayor)

Brent Barrett

Leonie Hapeta

Susan Baty

Jim Jefferies

Rachel Bowen

Lorna Johnson

Adrian Broad

Duncan McCann

Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke

Karen Naylor

Vaughan Dennison

Bruno Petrenas

Lew Findlay QSM

Aleisha Rutherford


















30 April 2018




Order of Business


1.         Apologies

2.         Confirmation of Agenda and Urgent items

Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s), which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded, will be discussed.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.  No resolution, decision or recommendation can be made in respect of a minor item.

3.         Declarations in Interest (if any)

            Members are reminded of their duty to give a general notice of any interest

            in items to be considered on this agenda and the need to declare these interests.


4.         Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                    Page 7

“That the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 16 April 2018 Part I Public be confirmed as a true and correct record.”  


5.         Appointment of Directors and Trustees 2018 Policy                                     Page 11

Memorandum, dated 4 April 2018 from the Governance & Support Team Leader, Kyle Whitfield.

6.         Options for Live Streaming Council/Committee Meetings                           Page 25

Memorandum, dated 3 April 2018 from the Governance & Support Team Leader, Kyle Whitfield.

7.         Online Petitions                                                                                                Page 29

Memorandum, dated 4 April 2018 from the Governance & Support Team Leader, Kyle Whitfield and the Legal Counsel, John Annabell.

8.         E-waste fees and charges - correction of error in approved fees                 Page 31

Memorandum, dated 23 April 2018 from the Strategy Manager Finance, Steve Paterson.

9.         Request for support for LGNZ remits                                                              Page 33

Memorandum, dated 23 April 2018 from the Strategy & Policy Manager, Julie Macdonald.

10.       Council Work Schedule                                                                                    Page 43


Recommendations from Committee Meetings

11.       Presentation of the Part I Public Planning and Strategy Committee Recommendations from its 9 April 2018 Meeting                                                                                   Page 45

“That the Committees recommendations be adopted or otherwise dealt with.”

12.       Presentation of the Part I Public Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee Recommendations from its 16 April 2018 Meeting                                                                        Page 47

“That the Committees recommendations be adopted or otherwise dealt with.”

13.       Presentation of the Part I Public Finance and Performance Committee Recommendations from its 23 April 2018 Meeting                                                                        Page 49

“That the Committees recommendations be adopted or otherwise dealt with.”    

14.       Presentation – Commonwealth Games Athletes                                           Page 53


 15.      Exclusion of Public



To be moved:

“That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution


Memorandum of Understanding - Development

Commercial Activities



Presentation of the Part II Confidential Finance and Performance Committee Recommendations from its 23 April 2018 Meeting




This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.

Also that the persons listed below be permitted to remain after the public has been excluded for the reasons stated.

Chief Executive (Heather Shotter), Chief Financial Officer (Grant Elliott), General Manager, City Enterprises (Ray McIndoe), General Manager, City Future (Sheryl Bryant), General Manager, City Networks (Ray Swadel), General Manager, Customer Services (Peter Eathorne), General Manager, Libraries and Community Services (Debbie Duncan), Human Resources Manager (Wayne Wilson), General Manager, Marketing and Communications (Sacha Haskell), and Communications Advisor (name) because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with advice on matters both from an organisation-wide context (being members of the Council’s Management Team) and also from their specific role within the Council.

Legal Counsel (John Annabell), because of his knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with legal and procedural advice.

Governance and Support Team Leader (Kyle Whitfield) and Committee Administrators (Penny Odell, Carly Chang and Rachel Corser), because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with procedural advice and record the proceedings of the meeting.

Business Development Executive (Fiona Dredge), because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report and answering questions, noting that such officer will be present at the meeting only for the item that relate to their respective report.

[Add Third Parties], because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report/s [or other matters as specified] and answering questions, noting that such person/s will be present at the meeting only for the items that relate to their respective report/s [or matters as specified].










Palmerston North City Council


Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting Part I Public, held in the Council Chamber, First Floor, Civic Administration Building, 32 The Square, Palmerston North on 16 April 2018, commencing at 9.00am



The Mayor (Grant Smith) (in the Chair) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.


Councillors Lew Findlay, Leonie Hapeta (early departure on Council Business), Jim Jefferies and Duncan McCann (early departure).


Councillor Duncan McCann was not present when the meeting resumed at 2.30pm. He was not present for clauses 47 and 48.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison was present when the meeting resumed at 2.30pm. He was not present for clause 46.


Councillor Karen Naylor was present when the meeting resumed at 2.30pm. She was not present for clause 46.





Moved Grant Smith, seconded Rachel Bowen.


1.   That Council receive the apologies.


Clause 46-18  above was carried 13 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.

The meeting adjourned at 9.01am.

The meeting resumed at 2.30pm.

When the meeting resumed Councillors Vaughan Dennison and Karen Naylor were present and Councillor Duncan McCann was not present.



Confirmation of Minutes


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Tangi Utikere.


1.   That the minutes of the ordinary meeting of 26 March 2018 Part I Public and Part II Confidential be confirmed as true and correct records.


Clause 47-18 above was carried 13 votes to 0, with 1 abstention, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.


Councillor Lorna Johnson.



Submission on Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill

Memorandum, dated 28 March 2018 from the Policy Analyst, Peter Ridge.


Moved Lorna Johnson, seconded Karen Naylor.


1.   That the Council approves the submission to the Governance and Administration Select Committee on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill, as show in attachment 1 to this report.


Clause 48-18 above was carried 10 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford.


Councillors Susan Baty, Vaughan Dennison, Leonie Hapeta and Tangi Utikere declared a conflict of interest on clause 48-18 above and left the meeting.


The meeting finished at 2.51pm


Confirmed 30 April 2018


















TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Appointment of Directors and Trustees 2018 Policy

DATE:                            4 April 2018

AUTHOR/S:                   Kyle Whitfield, Governance & Support Team Leader, City Corporate




1.   That Council adopt the ‘Appointment of Directors and Trustees 2018 Policy’

2.   That any minor amendments are able to be made by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.




1.         ISSUE

At the December 2017 Council meeting it was resolved that the Chief Executive review and amend the: “The Policy on Appointments to Outside Organisations”.

This review was undertaken in January 2018 and a draft policy was sent to all CCOs boards for their review and feedback.

2.         BACKGROUND

The draft policy now entitled: “Appointment of Directors and Trustees Policy” was sent to all CCOs Boards in February 2018 for review and feedback. We received feedback from:

-     The Te Manawa Museum Trust Board

-     The Globe Theatre Trust Board; and

-     The Regent Theatre Trust Board.

Other than minor spelling/grammatical changes, the main issues/comments from the CCOs was:






Te Manawa Museum Trust Board

Adding in a good skill mix within a board into the ‘Purpose’.


Accepted and implemented.

Include iwi and treaty obligations under ‘Policy Objectives’

Accepted and implemented.

Section 5: CCOs: Policy should not take precedence over the Trust Deeds. Policy should be exercised in conformance with Trust Deeds or deed should be lawfully changed.

Policy wording should remain the same, and a process of changing the Trust Deeds which maybe contra to the policy we have these changed and the appropriate time.

Section 7: Council’s obligation to the Treaty should be advices to boards as they will be different to those of the crown.

Accepted and treaty obligations will be circulated to CCOs.

Section 9.3: Should there be a selection process where only one candidate applied?

Accepted and implemented.

Section 9.3: Should the panel ‘will include’ not ‘may include’ a member of the CCO board.

Policy wording should remain the same.

Section 9.7 Removal of Board Members: removal at the time by council resolution. Delete the reference to the ‘pleasure of the council’

Policy wording should remain the same.

Globe Theatre Trust Board

Not enough emphasis is placed on the skills and compatibly required.

Policy wording should remain the same. Section 7 covers ‘skills’ and ‘compatibly’. This can also be discussed between the CCO Chair, Recruitment Panel and Governance & Support Team Leader before advertisements are made public.

CCOs need to have confidence in knowing the new appointees will bring the skills needed at the time to meet the governance and organisations demands.

This can also be discussed between the CCO Chair, Recruitment Panel and Governance & Support Team Leader during the short-listing and interview stages.

That the Chair or member of the CCO is appointment to the panel.

Policy wording should remain the same. The CCO Chair/or relevant board member will be consulted with throughout the recruitment process.

Regent Theatre Trust Board

No issues with the intent or content of the draft policy.



The updated policy, along with any changes agreed to in the above table is attached to this report.

3.         NEXT STEPS

Approve the policy to ensure that it is active for the 2018 CCO Trustee recruitment round which is due to commence in July 2018.

Once approved, this policy will be placed on the Council’s website.

4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Council have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?






Appointment of Directors and Trustees Policy




Kyle Whitfield

Governance & Support Team Leader






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TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Options for Live Streaming Council/Committee Meetings

DATE:                            3 April 2018

AUTHOR/S:                   Kyle Whitfield, Governance & Support Team Leader, City Corporate




1.   That Council does not progress with Live Streaming of Council/Committee Meetings and the action point is removed from the Council Work Schedule.

2.   That the Chief Executive be instructed to investigate a solution as part of the Digital Transformation Project.




1.         ISSUE

In 2017 Council requested that Officers investigate live streaming of Council/Committee meetings in the Council Chamber to enhance public participation.

2.         BACKGROUND

The Governance and Support team along with Information Management team looked at a number of systems and received quotes of around $100,000 per annum for a full service option and this was reported back to Council in February 2017.

Council instructed officers to review alternative methods for the provision of live streaming. Information Management have reviewed other systems ranging from low cost (Facebook live streaming) to cloud based systems which have fees of between $30,000 to $50,000 per annum.

This estimate is only representative of licensing costs, and does not include ongoing administrative overhead costs required to edit, compile and make public any recordings.

Facebook and similar services which offer livestreaming were seen as having a poor quality and would mean that there would be one fixed camera focusing exclusively on the Chairperson.

Due to this limitation, viewers watching the livestream would not be able to see elected members and would only be able to hear the audio stream during the council/committee meeting. Also PowerPoint presentations and voting would not be able to be displayed to those watching online, which does not provide a satisfactory user experience. Additional cameras could be used to capture the elected members but only one camera stream can be published at a time.

The functionality of such services is also poor and will not achieve the results which elected members are looking for. Cameras and other equipment would need to be purchased for any solution that is not a fully managed service.

The more comprehensive cloud based systems can use tool that when someone speaks their microphone and video on their device becomes active and gets projected. Also, these types of systems show current PowerPoints/presentations/voting. However these systems require significant effort from officers to be editing and producing, the video content on the fly to effectively operate the system during meetings. Given the committee administrators would be busy administering the meeting, filming and publishing content would require additional support. 

Informal discussions have been had with other Councils who have various livestreaming services, and most have seen a decline in view numbers since their implementations.

3.         NEXT STEPS

A programme of $30,000 was put up as a 10 Year Plan, however this did not get support to be included into the 10 Year Plan when Elected Members undertook the prioritisation exercise.

Currently there is no budget to undertake this type of programme.  With the Councils approval of recommendation 2 this can be considered as part of the ‘Digital Transformational Project’. 

4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Yes have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?






Kyle Whitfield

Governance & Support Team Leader












TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Online Petitions

DATE:                            4 April 2018

AUTHOR/S:                   Kyle Whitfield, Governance & Support Team Leader, City Corporate

John Annabell, Legal Counsel, City Corporate




1.   That Council note that contents of the memorandum entitled: “Online Petitions” and dated 4 April 2018.




1.         ISSUE

At the 26 February 2018 Council meeting it was requested that a review be under taken regarding Council hosting an online Petition on our website.

2.         BACKGROUND

Council is physically able to host a petition form on our website. Council would need to make some changes to Standing Orders to ensure that this approach was enabled.

Procedures would need to be compiled around what is appropriate wording for a submission, how long a petition should be placed on the website and when it should be referred to the Council or relevant Committee. Also it might be desirable for a lead petitioner to be identified and who would formally present their petition to the relevant meeting.

Additional work around receiving petitions would result in an increased work load for Officers and as this is seen as a way of the public participating in the democratic process, we believe that it is inappropriate for Officers to be involved in the first stages of a petition. Currently Officers are not involved unless it is providing procedure advice.

The negatives of hosting a petition section on our website may create a public perception that the Council either supports a petition or the Council wishes to actively seek public views on the subject matter of the petition. Another concern is that there is no way of confirming that the persons whose names are listed on the petition have actually agreed to be included in the petition.

We have reviewed what other Councils offer their communities around submitting petitions and they all followed a similar line to our current practice around not hosting petitions on their websites.

While we accept that the way petitions are required to be documented and received by Council as stated under Standing Orders may seem cumbersome, we believe that this is the most appropriate format at the present time.

3.         NEXT STEPS

Retain status quo.

4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Council have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?







Kyle Whitfield

Governance & Support Team Leader

John Annabell

Legal Counsel










TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            E-waste fees and charges - correction of error in approved fees

DATE:                            23 April 2018

AUTHOR/S:                   Steve Paterson, Strategy Manager Finance, City Corporate




1.   That the resolution of the Council on 26 March 2018 to adopt a new schedule of fees and charges for e-waste from 1 July 2018 (as proposed in Appendix 8 of the report to the 19 March 2018 meeting of the Finance and Performance Committee) be revoked and replaced with the following:

“That the fees and charges for e-waste disposal as proposed in Appendix 8 of the report on the review of fees and charges to the Finance and Performance Committee on 19 March 2018 be approved, subject to there being no charge for the recycling of desktop computers, and that the new fees and charges take effect from 1 July 2018”.




1.         ISSUE

At its meeting on 26 March 2018 Council approved a revised schedule of fees and charges for e-waste effective from 1 July 2018.  It has subsequently been realised that the new schedule included a charge of $5 for recycling desktop computers.  There is currently no charge for these items and there was no intention to change this.  To correct the position it is necessary to formally revoke the previous decision and replace it.

2.         BACKGROUND

At its meeting on 26 March 2018 the Council (clause 40-8) adopted the recommendations of the Finance and Performance Committee meeting of 19 March 2018 (clause 15-18) which included item 11 “That the fees and charges for e-waste disposal as proposed in Appendix 8 be adopted and take effect from 1 July 2018”.

Appendix 8 included an item for desktop computers showing the proposed fee as being $5.  This was in error.  There is presently no charge for these and there was no intention to change the status quo.

3.         NEXT STEPS

Once the Council approves the correction the fees schedules will be updated with the correct information.

4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?


Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?







Steve Paterson

Strategy Manager Finance











TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Request for support for LGNZ remits

DATE:                            23 April 2018

AUTHOR/S:                   Julie Macdonald, Strategy & Policy Manager, City Future




1.   That Council considers whether or not to support the remit proposals as attached in Appendices 1-4.




1.         ISSUE

The Council has received two requests to support remits proposed by other Councils to the LGNZ AGM remit process.

The first is from Horowhenua District Council, and asks for Council’s endorsement of its remit proposing a review of the Local Electoral Act 2001 (LEA) in relation to Māori Representation. The background and letter of request are attached as Appendices 1 and 2.


The second request is from the Greater Wellington Regional Council and proposes that LGNZ, consistent with the Local Government Position Statement on Climate Change 2017 and the Local Government Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change 2017, advocate to all major banks that they transition away from investments in fossil fuel industries, and consider opportunities for long-term investments in low- or zero-carbon energy systems. The background material for this request is attached as Appendices 3 and 4.


2.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?

If Yes quote relevant clause(s) from Delegations Manual <Enter clause>


Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?






HDC remit proposal



HDC remit background



GWRC remit proposal



GWRC remit background




Julie Macdonald

Strategy & Policy Manager





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Committee Work Schedule

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Council Work Schedule




1.   That the Council receive its Work Schedule dated April 2018.





Work Schedule



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Recommendations from Committee

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Presentation of the Part I Public Planning and Strategy Committee Recommendations from its 9 April 2018 Meeting



Set out below are the recommendations only from the Planning and Strategy Committee meeting Part I Public held on 9 April 2018. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)



Draft Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2018 - Approval to Consult

Report, dated 21 March 2018 from the Policy Analyst, Lili Kato.


1.   That the Council determines the form of the draft Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2018 and Administration Manual (contained in Appendix 1) is, subject to the outcome of public consultation, considered to be the most appropriate form of bylaw.

2.   That the Council confirms that it has considered the draft Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2018 and determines that it does not give any rise to any implications under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

3.   That delegated authority is given to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Planning and Strategy Committee for the approval of any minor amendments to the Consultation Document.

4.   That the Consultation Document (including the draft Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2018 and Administration Manual) be approved for consultation, subject to removal of ‘up until the fifth anniversary of the date of interment’ from clause 10.1.2 of the Administration Manual and the corresponding phrase in clause 11.2 of the Draft Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2018.



LGNZ Metro Sector Remit Proposals

Memorandum, dated 13 March 2018 from the Strategy & Policy Manager, Julie Macdonald.


1.   That the Council supports the following remit proposal at the LGNZ metro sector meeting in May 2018: “That LGNZ requests that the Government urgently implements a comprehensive and mandatory product stewardship programme for tyres.”

2.   That the Council approve the letter attached as Appendix Two to the report titled “LGNZ Metro Sector Remit Proposals” and dated 13 March 2018 from the Strategy and Policy Manager, from the Mayor to the President of the LGNZ National Council, Dave Cull, requesting that LGNZ advocate to the Government in support of initiatives to advance the uptake of electric vehicles.



Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw Amendments - Deliberations on Submissions

Memorandum, dated 28 February 2018 from the Policy Analyst, Peter Ridge.


1.   That the Council receives the submissions on the proposed amendments to the Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw, as shown in attachment 1 to the report titled “Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw Amendments - Deliberations on Submissions” and dated 28 February 2018 from the Policy Analyst.

2.   That the Council amends the Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and the Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw Administration Manual by making the changes shown as tracked changes in the documents attached as attachment 2 and 3 to the report titled “Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw Amendments - Deliberations on Submissions” and dated 28 February 2018 from the Policy Analyst.











Recommendations from Committee

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Presentation of the Part I Public Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee Recommendations from its 16 April 2018 Meeting



Set out below are the recommendations only from the Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee meeting Part I Public held on 16 April 2018. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)



Joint Marketing of Cultural Council Controlled Organisations

Memorandum, dated 19 March 2018 from the Manager - Community Engagement, Ian Littleworth.


1.   That the memorandum titled “Joint Marketing of Cultural Council Controlled Organisations” and dated 19 March 2018 from the Manager – Community Engagement, be received for information.

2.   That the Joint Marketing of Cultural Council Controlled Organisations be referred to the Chief Executive and be reported back to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee in October 2018.



Cultural CCOs Six Month Reports to December 2017 and Draft Statements of Intent 2018-2021

Memorandum, dated 26 March 2018 from the Community Funding Coordinator, Rebecca Hofmann and the Management Accountant, Matt Duxfield.


1.   That Council receive the six month reports to December 2017 submitted by Globe Theatre Trust Board, Te Manawa Museums Trust, Caccia Birch Trust Board and Regent Theatre Trust (the cultural Council Controlled Organisations).

2.   That Council receive the draft Statements of Intent 2018–2021 submitted by the cultural Council Controlled Organisations.

3.   That Council note the below item to be addressed by the cultural Council Controlled Organisations in drafting their final Statements of Intent.

      (i)    Amend The Regent Theatre Trust Board’s Statement of Intent to   include a KPI for “a trend of increasing audience numbers, as           measured by a 3 year average”.

4.   That Council refer to the 10 Year Plan an additional grant to remunerate Regent Theatre Trust Board, Caccia Birch Trust Board and Globe Theatre Trust Board for trustee meeting fees, and that in the final Statements of Intent this grant is to be shown as not adjusted for inflation.


5.  That the Chief Executive be instructed to present maintenance and renewal plans and budgets for the cultural facilities to the May 2018 Finance and Performance Committee meeting.










Recommendations from Committee

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Presentation of the Part I Public Finance and Performance Committee Recommendations from its 23 April 2018 Meeting



Set out below are the recommendations only from the Finance and Performance Committee meeting Part I Public held on 23 April 2018. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)



Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery - Solar electricity generation options


1.   That Council adopt the option of installing a “15 kW 20º N tilt array system” of solar panels (Option 1) to the Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery Centre.

2.   That Council approve an unbudgeted capital programme of $32,000 to specify, supply and install solar panels (Option1) to the Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery Centre, to be funded from additional borrowings.



The Options for the City Water Supply Associated with Gordon Kear Forest


1.   That the report on the options for the city water supply associated with Gordon Kear Forest be received.



Report on Proposal for 6 Month Trial of Free E-Waste Drop-off Service


During discussion Elected Members believed there was no urgency to get to zero fees and that generally there should be an element of user pays.  A trial for TV’s would enable the volume to be monitored and problems relating to e-waste fly tipping could be diverted




1. That a decision on zero fees for e-waste be deferred until after the results       of the first six months of reduced fees are available.


2.  That the Chief Executive report back on options for Palmerston North City       Council  to increase e-waste recovery in the city.


3.  That the report, estimating an additional cost of $300,000 for a six month       trial of E-waste charges of $0 for ‘TV and Electronics’, ’Consumer     Electronics’ and ‘Other’ excluding photocopiers be received.



Fees and Charges 2018 – Further Activities

There was discussion around consulting on having a two year stepped fee increase for trade waste instead of the increase occurring all in the first year.


Trade Waste

1.    That the Proposal to adopt updated fees and charges for Trade Waste Services effective from 1 July 2018 as attached in Appendix 1 be approved for public consultation and the Chief Executive be authorised to undertake the necessary consultative process under sections 82 and 150 of the Local Government Act 2002.


2.    That Trade Waste fees as listed in ‘Administration Charges Table 2, schedule 1’. go out for Consultation in a 2 year stepped fee increase from 1 July 2018.



Quarterly Performance and Financial Report - Quarter Ending 31 March 2018


1.     That the Committee receive the March 2018 Quarterly Performance and Financial Report and note:

a.    The March 2018 financial performance and operating performance.

b.    The March 2018 capital expenditure programme progress together with those programmes identified as unlikely to be completed this financial year.

2.    That the Committee recommend to Council that budget operating expenditure be increased by a further $141,000 being the estimated unbudgeted cost of conducting the Maori Ward Poll.

3.     That the Chief Executive be instructed to develop an additional          Performance Measure within Roading and Parking that reflects an          improving road safety trend over time. 








TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           30 April 2018

TITLE:                            Presentation - Commonwealth Games Athletes




1.   That the Council acknowledge the 2018 Commonwealth Games athletes.




The Mayor will acknowledge athletes that have recently competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games held in Australia.



