Committee of Council
























Grant Smith (Chairperson)

Tangi Utikere (Deputy Chairperson)

Brent Barrett

Leonie Hapeta

Susan Baty

Jim Jefferies

Rachel Bowen

Lorna Johnson

Adrian Broad

Duncan McCann

Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke

Karen Naylor

Vaughan Dennison

Bruno Petrenas

Lew Findlay QSM

Aleisha Rutherford
















Committee of Council MEETING


28 May 2018



Order of Business


NOTE:     The Committee of Council meeting coincides with the ordinary meeting of the Council meeting.  The format for the meeting will be as follows:

-              Committee of Council will open and adjourn immediately to Council

-              Council will open, conduct its business and then close.

1.         Apologies

2.         Notification of Additional Items

Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s), which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded, will be discussed.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.  No resolution, decision or recommendation can be made in respect of a minor item.

3.         Declarations of Interest (if any)

            Members are reminded of their duty to give a general notice of any interest of items to be considered on this agenda and the need to declare these interests.




4.         Public Comment

To receive comments from members of the public on matters specified on this Agenda or, if time permits, on other Committee matters.

(NOTE:     If the Committee wishes to consider or discuss any issue raised that is not specified on the Agenda, other than to receive the comment made or refer it to the Chief Executive, then a resolution will need to be made in accordance with clause 2 above.)

5.         Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                    Page 7

“That the minutes of the Committee of Council meeting of 9 May 2018 Part I Public be confirmed as a true and correct record.”  

6.         Deliberations on Public Consultation on the Consultation Document and Supporting Information for the Proposed 2018-28 Long-term Plan, Council's Strategies and Plans, Financial and Infrastructure Strategies, Revenue and Financing Policy and Development Contributions Policy.                                                                                        Page 43

Memorandum, dated 2 May 2018 from the Head of Community Planning, Andrew Boyle.    

 7.        Exclusion of Public



To be moved:

“That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution






This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.

Also that the persons listed below be permitted to remain after the public has been excluded for the reasons stated.

Chief Executive (Heather Shotter), Chief Financial Officer (Grant Elliott), General Manager, City Enterprises (Ray McIndoe), General Manager, City Future (Sheryl Bryant), General Manager, City Networks (Ray Swadel), General Manager, Customer Services (Peter Eathorne), General Manager, Libraries and Community Services (Debbie Duncan), Human Resources Manager (Wayne Wilson), General Manager, Marketing and Communications (Sacha Haskell), and Communications Advisor (name) because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with advice on matters both from an organisation-wide context (being members of the Council’s Management Team) and also from their specific role within the Council.

Legal Counsel (John Annabell), because of his knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with legal and procedural advice.

Governance and Support Team Leader (Kyle Whitfield) and Committee Administrators (Penny Odell, Carly Chang and Rachel Corser), because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with procedural advice and record the proceedings of the meeting.

[Add Council Officers], because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report and answering questions, noting that such officer will be present at the meeting only for the item that relate to their respective report.

[Add Third Parties], because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report/s [or other matters as specified] and answering questions, noting that such person/s will be present at the meeting only for the items that relate to their respective report/s [or matters as specified].










Palmerston North City Council


Minutes of the Committee of Council Meeting Part I Public, held in the Council Chamber, First Floor, Civic Administration Building, 32 The Square, Palmerston North on:


Wednesday 9 May 2018 – 9:00am, 12:00pm and 3:30pm

Thursday 10 May 2018 – 9:00am and 7:00pm

Friday 11 May 2018 – 9:00am and 12:00pm

Tuesday 15 May 2018 – 12:00pm

Wednesday 16 May 2018 – 9:00am, 3:30pm and 7:00pm


A meeting of the Committee of Council (Hearing of Submissions on the Long Term Plan was held at 9:00am Wednesday 9 May 2018).


9 May 2018 – 9:00am



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.


9 May 2018 – 12:00pm



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Adrian Broad (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford.


Councillor Tangi Utikere (Lateness – Council Business).


9 May 2018 – 3:30pm



Councillors Aleisha Rutherford (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Tangi Utikere.


The Mayor (Grant Smith) (Council Business) and Councillor Tangi Utikere (Early Departure – Council Business).


10 May 2018 – 9:00am



Councillors Jim Jefferies (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) (Council Business) and Councillor Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Councillor Aleisha Rutherford (Early Departure), Councillor Leonie Hapeta (Early Departure) and Councillor Susan Baty (Early Departure).


10 May 2018 – 7:00pm



Councillors Karen Naylor (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) (Council Business) and Councillor Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke.


11 May 2018 – 9:00am



Councillors Rachel Bowen (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillor Karen Naylor.


11 May 2018 – 12:00pm



Councillors Leonie Hapeta (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) (Council Business) and Councillor Karen Naylor, Councillor Rachel Bowen (Early Departure – Council Business), Councillor Duncan McCann and Councillor Lew Findlay (Early Departure).


15 May 2018 – 12:00pm



Councillors Lorna Johnson (in the Chair), Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) (Council Business), Councillor Brent Barrett (For lateness – Council Business) and Councillor Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke.


16 May 2018 – 9:00am



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Bruno Petrenas (in the Chair), Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



Councillor Duncan McCann (For Lateness), Councillor Gabrielle Bundy Cooke and Councillor Lew Findlay QSM.


16 May 2018 – 3:30pm



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett (in the Chair), Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



Councillor Lew Findlay QSM, Councillor Lorna Johnson, Councillor Duncan McCann, Councillor Leonie Hapeta (Early Departure), Councillor Susan Baty (Early Departure) and Councillor Rachel Bowen (Early Departure).


16 May 2018 – 7:00pm



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



Councillor Vaughan Dennison, Councillor Lew Findlay QSM, Councillor Lorna Johnson, Councillor Brent Barrett (For Lateness) and Councillor Karen Naylor (For Lateness).



Confirmation of Minutes


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Susan Baty.


1.   That the minutes of the Committee of Council meeting of 7 February 2018 Part I Public and Part II Confidential be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Clause 5-18 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



Hearing of Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2018/28

The Committee considered submissions on the Long Term Plan 2018/28 together with supporting oral statements including additional tabled material.

The following persons appeared before the Committee and made oral statements in support of their submissions and replied to questions from Elected Members, the additional points being:

9.00am Wednesday 9 May 2018


Manawatu Jazz Club Inc (1):

Representing the Manawatu Jazz Club Inc, David Edge spoke to the submission and made the following additional comment:


-        Was appreciative of the funding the Festival had received over the years but believed by including the funding in the 10 Year Plan would provide greater security and enable future festivals to be planned well in advance.


John Hannifan (11):

John Hannifan spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The Esplanade upgrade did not have to be fully defined, leave some areas so that the paths could be found naturally, not all paths have to be defined.


-        Consider planting non-natives plants from countries from the different communities the city has a connection with.


-        Could have a playground in The Square, which would be a way to get families into town.  It wouldn’t have to be a big area, just include small items like swings, in ground trampolines etc.


Kelvin Grove Community Association (12):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Kelvin Grove Community Association, Tim Gibbes spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The Centre had a WOF for 223 people and the information on the Council website was incorrect.


-        A large number of people use the Centre and carpark.  With space for a 40-50 cars park this would solve a lot of issues that are currently faced with the on street parking.


James Beard  (73):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members


James Beard spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Council needed to employ an Officer of Rural Affairs.


-        The development of the City in the one direction has led to major traffic congestion.  The traffic by the hospital area was terrible and could be helped by adding traffic lights at Malden Street.       


Middle Districts Lions Club (102):

Representing Middle Districts Lions Club, Roy Price and Craig Hart spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Considered there was a lack of facilities/activities for family groups in the Esplanade and a mini putt course would enhance the visitor experience by adding an inter-generational activity.


-        Lions Club members would run the course and there was also a possibility for Sports Clubs and community groups to run as a fundraising activity.


-        It was suggested that fees would be $5-$6 per adult or $20 for a group of two adults and two children.


Maria Le Lievre (159):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison left the meeting at 9.57am


Maria Le Lievre spoke to her submission and made the following additional comments:


-        There was raw sewerage flowing through the storm drain that was on her property.  The nearby ground is contaminated and had a build-up of rubbish every week.  It was believed the issue was coming from a house that had been incorrectly plumbed in Oak Street.


-        The storm drain floods on a regular basis and was an open drain therefore posed a safety risk.


Palmerston North Women’s Health Collective (162):

Representing the Palmerston North Women’s Health Collective, Simon McCracken spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison entered the meeting again at 10.16am

The Mayor (Grant Smith) left the meeting at 10.19am


Volunteer Resource Centre Manawatu and Districts (261):

Representing the Volunteer Resource Centre Manawatu and Districts, Renee Dingwall spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Was grateful for the funding they received from Council and being able to use Hancock Community House but believe there was a lack of funding for community organisations.


-        The Centre was constantly recruiting volunteers and Palmerston North does have a lot more volunteers than other centres, which the largest group being in the 20-29 age bracket.


-        Believed there was a lack of recognition for the work the Centre does, as not mentioned in Council documents and would like to be able to work closer with Council.


               Councillor Aleisha Rutherford left the meeting at 10.29am


Manawatu Tenants Union (269):

Representing the Manawatu Tenants Union, Kevin Reilly and Daniel Ryland spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Housing affordability was an issue for a number of tenants and Council should set a good example.  Also security of tenure was a concern.


Councillor Aleisha Rutherford entered the meeting again at 10.40am


-        Housing needs to be considered a human right.


Housing Advice Centre (361):

Representing the Housing Advice Centre, Sally Babbage and Annette Nixon spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) entered the meeting again at 10.48am


-        It was great that Palmerston North City Council was one of the few Councils that held onto social housing and were an example of a good landlord.


Nura Majzoub (49):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members


Nura Majzoub spoke to her submission and made the following additional comment:


-        Would like to see Council encourage the use of reusable menstrual pads.


           Meeting adjourned at 11.07am


12.00pm Wednesday 9 May 2018


Te Aroha Noa Community Services (175):

Representing Te Aroha Noa Community Services, Michelle Thompson and Kate Costley spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments.


-        Palmerston North City Council was genuinely passionate about social wellbeing in the city which aligned with the vision of Te Aroha Noa.


-        There were three key points to be considered which were facilitating community voices to be heard, making connections and for sound ideas to become reality.


-        Funding should be focused on more ‘grass roots’ projects.


David Parham (180):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


David Parham spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        It was Council’s responsibility to ensure that residential development happened in an orderly manner.


-        Council should remove through traffic out of the Square.


-        Council needed to have funds that they could access quickly for emergency work.


Paul Perry (193):

Paul Perry spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        There were a lot of good things in the Council’s plan but could it afford to implement them all.


-        Sharing GST amongst local bodies was a common practice in the United States and the Council was urged to get together with fellow Councils to increase funding.


Memorial Park Sports Trust  (200):

Representing the Memorial Park Sports Trust, Sandy Nimmo and Rachel O’Hagen spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The Trust was in the process of preparing a capital budget and would ask that Council consider purchasing lights.


-        The Trust noted that access from the parking lot and street was not being considered in the plan and asked that this be reconsidered.


-        The issues the Trust had regarding the Arena Master Plan related to the second decade of development.


CJRJ Limited (179):

Representing CJRJ Limited, Craig Hart spoke to the submission, and made the following additional comments:


-        The submission was made on behalf of people living in the environment which related to a Palmerston North City Council road, not Manawatu District.


-        Traffic counts had not been completed by ratepayers and there were no issues with the speed limit.


Kevin White (362):

Kevin White spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        As a substantial residential portfolio holder within the city, housing issues were being faced on a regular basis.


-        The target rates on a modest 1 bedroom unit were the same as the most expensive mansion in the city and it was unfair.


-        A contingency fund was suggested in regards to wastewater.


Donald G Irvine (386):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Donald Irvine spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The level of activity in the art gallery had reduced in the last 15 years and registration and preservation of the gallery should be undertaken.


-        Council should think about what the proper functions of the art gallery and museum are and separate them.


Bruce Wilson (392):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Bruce Wilson spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The inner city of Palmerston North failed to be a friendly environment and footpaths needed to be constructed for people with mobility issues and not in favour of vehicles.


-        Freedom camping was not included in the Plan and inexpensive things could be done to make the City look attractive as an overnight destination.


-        A recent consultation document received regarding Plan Change 22 was dated 4 April but not delivered until 7 May, leaving only 9 days to make a submission.


Urban Care Group (23):

Further information (Powerpoint presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Urban Care Group, Graeme Liggins spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Signage could be created to keep people off the track and old lamps could be put on the site as a feature.


-        The Railway Land needed to be protected as a green space and was a great history project.


Homes for People (404):

Representing Homes for People, Darren Birch spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Gordon Consulting Limited / Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Incorporated (407):

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing Gordon Consulting Limited and Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Incorporated, Fiona Gordon and Paul Horton spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Substantial concept drawings had been created for the Urban Eels project.


-        There had been a number of occasions where eels had been fished by members of the public and left on the side, and this project was seen as an opportunity to get information out to the public.


3.30pm Wednesday 9 May 2018


George Buchan (52):

Further information (Handout) was tabled for circulation to Elected Members.


George Buchan spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The Law of Nations recognised the need to have a stable national government.


-        Other countries were more corrupt than New Zealand.


Rana Naser (209):

Rana Naser spoke to her submission and made the following additional comments:

-        Women who were learning how to swim would forget what they learned if lessons were only held once a month


-        Work with the multicultural group was a work in progress


-        All other areas of the city had a community hall except for Summerhill.


Peter D Jones (457)

Peter Jones spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Peter had urged the council many times to work harder to finish undergrounding power lines for the remaining streets in town.


-        Peter noted the difficulty he had in finding information regarding undergrounding of power lines and online documents were not cross referenced to library documents.


-        Peter was disappointed that the process was so time consuming.


Brian J Benton (265)

Further information (Handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Brian Benton spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:

-        By requiring residents to collect and use rain water, rate payers would have an adequate supply of water in the event of a major disaster.


-        There was a large population living between Palmerston North and Wellington who could benefit from a covered events facility in Palmerston North.


-        The Mayor had recently visited Menzshed and stated that the main problem stopping rates being linked to the rate of inflation was depreciation.


Manawatu Mountain Bike Club (321)

Representing Manawatu Mountain, Bike Club, Peter Wells and Shane Telford spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Bike trails were constantly worn by tyres and weather and if they weren’t maintained the grade of the track would be affected and the overall enjoyment diminished.


-        E-bikes were becoming more popular however the trails were not built for bikes that accelerate.


-        It was not the role of the Mountain Bike Club to progress the creation of a pump track within the city but it could partner with Council to achieve that.


Sport Manawatu (322)

Representing Sport Manawatu, Trevor Shailer and Shayne Harris spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Sport Manawatu wanted to make sport activity inviting within the City.


-        Operational costs for the new Sports House were in line with current costs.


-        Positive conversations with funders had already taken place and Council funding was relied upon.


Cancer Society of New Zealand Manawatu Centre Incorporated (324)

Representing the Cancer Society of New Zealand Manawatu Centre Incorporated, Kerry Hocquard spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        There was no evidence as to how Council policies were being incorporated and evaluated.


-        Advertising of Council events could be a great channel to inform the community about being smokefree and sunsmart.


-        Melanoma deaths in New Zealand each year were higher than the road toll.


Central Economic Development Agency (409)

Representing the Central Economic Development Agency (CEDA), Linda Stewart spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        CEDA’s support of the creation of a vision for Palmerston North City that is ambitious, and strives to make the place innovative, connected, progressive and vibrant was reinforced.


-        CEDA had invested in the recruitment of a full time Events Senior to manage the delivery of their three flagship events, the contestable fund, and increase capacity and capability to actively target and secure bringing other major events to the City and region.


-        The I-SITE was an important part of the city, ensuring international and domestic visitors were welcomed, and were doing and spending more while they travelled around the City and region.


Robert McLaughlan (111)

Robert McLaughlan spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-        There was no fundamental way of assessing expensive Council projects


-        The Esplanade entrance project was redone only a few years ago and projects such as this did not meet standards.


David Mackay (29)

David Mackay spoke to his submission and made no additional comments.


The meeting adjourned at 5.27pm


9.00am Thursday 10 May 2018


Margaret Taylor (183)

Margaret Taylor spoke to her submission and made no additional comments.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison left the meeting at 9.18am


James Irvine (208)

James Irvine spoke to his submission and made no additional comments.


Dale O’Reilly (267)

Dale O’Reilly spoke to her submission and made no additional comments.


The Globe Theatre (142)

Further information (PowerPoint presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing The Globe Theatre, Maxine Dale, Denise Servante and Russell Harris spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       A key asset for replacements is the grid and lightening which they will be seeking external funding for.


-       The new grid will be fitted with LED lighting as soon as they have raised the additional funds externally and the advantages of this is flexibility, longevity, low maintenance costs and low energy usage.


-       In the immediate 12 months, their priorities for their own renewal programme will be to clean, repair, treat with fire retardant and rehang the curtains in Globe 1. The following year Globe 2 will be due for their five year refurbishment.


-       They have no working capital or depreciation reserve for anything that needs replacing in the theatre.


Esplanade Scenic Railway (354)

Further information (PowerPoint presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Esplanade Scenic Railway, Grant Taylor spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       They agreed that the mini put proposal is a great initiative and will draw more people to the park.


-       They have approximately 80 volunteers and they never have enough volunteers.


Councillor Tangi Utikere left the meeting at 9.55am.


Simon Francis (355)

Simon Francis spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Concerns with retailers are reduction in car parking spaces as there has already been a large number of parking spaces removed in the Square, now the bus depot.


-       In opposition to the idea of further development anywhere in the Square. Why would we want to create more competition for existing retailers?


-       In opposition to any big money spent on Te Manawa, other that the required maintenance and would like to see the facility prove itself by being more functional and genuinely effective exhibition space for Arts.


-       Te Manawa was once the hub of the arts community but now seems to have lost its direction and soul. There is talk of demolishing the gallery; that parts of the collection could be sold to fund redevelopment and; the number of redundancies, grievances and the loss of skilled and experience staff.


Plant to Plate (358)

Representing Plant to Plate, Sian Cass and Jacinda Duker spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Their vision is to have children know and understand where food comes from and the ability to grow and eat food from a garden, which creates independence and sustainability.


-       They promote eating fresh food, growing gardens, recycling organic waste and healthy lifestyles with children in schools and they applaud Council’s support they have shown them and hope that can continue.


-       They hope that the experience children have in schools can been seen in their communities.


-       They have many activities in their community that simply need encouragement to establish their vision such as community gardens, fruit trees in parks, harvest festivals, tourist attractions to these activities and visits to the composting plant at Totara Road.


-       They encourage Council to support biking in schools and Enviroschools, but  these are only in selected schools and there must be ways that these programmes can occur in all schools.


-       They encourage Council to support the Food Action Network.


-       They request that Council are leaders towards this empowerment and start by making existing local initiatives more visible and invest in ways to replicate the school programmes into the wider community to make sustainable living normal in Palmerston North.


Councillor Tangi Utikere entered the meeting again at 10.11am.


Horizons Regional Council (413)

Representing Horizons Regional Council, Nic Peet, Ramon Strong, Phillip Hindrup and Rachel Keedwell spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


David Walsh (378)


Councillor Leonie Hapeta declared a conflict of interest and left the discussion.


David Walsh spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Disagrees with the rate increase, which needs to be revisited and the current budget tightened. 6.4% is excessive and unaffordable to many ratepayers.


-       Mr Walsh questioned if a proper business case had been completed for the Arena upgrade that covered all the costs including drainage and maintenance and replacement would be required down the track.


Councillor Duncan McCann left the meeting at 10.33am.


The meeting adjourned at 10.36am.

The meeting resumed at 10.49am.


Anthony Gear (396)

Anthony Gear spoke to his submission and made the following additional comment.


Councillor Duncan McCann entered the meeting again at 10.57am.


-       The steam museum is up for sale so need to do something now to save it. It is on sale for $700k for exhibits themselves or $1.3m for everything.


Councillor Rachel Bowen left the meeting at 11.00am.


St Mark’s & St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (397)

Representing St Mark’s and St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Peter Thomson and Annette Nixon spoke to the submissions and made no additional comments.


Councillor Susan Baty left the meeting at 11.12am.


Wayne Welford (28)

Wayne Welford spoke to his submission and made no additional comments.


Councillor Aleisha Rutherford left the meeting at 11.14am.

Councillor Leonie Hapeta left the meeting at 11.17am.


All Saint’s Parish Green Task Force (229)

Representing All Saint’s Parish Green Task Force, Barbara Arnold, Robert Gibb and Keith Young spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Councillor Karen Naylor left the meeting at 11.24am.

Councillor Adrian Broad left the meeting at 11.27am.


Trevor Donaldson (271)

Trevor Donaldson spoke to his submission and made the following additional comment:


-       This budget is focusing on visitors but please do not forget about the ratepayers and the community.


Jill Rapson (233)

Further information (PowerPoint presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Jill Rapson spoke to her submission and made the following additional comments:


-     We need to think about how to deal with sewerage and be proactive about it.


-     Council just keeps on borrowing but we have to stop borrowing and start saving for the new sewerage treatment scheme.


-     Council should pay off the debt in 2 or 3 years.


-     Climate change is worse than we expected and the flooding problems are going to get so much worse.


-     Cycling in town is dangerous for cyclists and cycle lanes disappear just when it gets more dangerous for the cyclist at roundabouts and intersections.


The meeting adjourned at 11.56am


7.00pm Thursday 10 May 2018


Gregory Sawyer (319)

Gregory Sawyer spoke to his submission and made no additional comments.


People of Bikes Forum  (228)

Representing the People of Bikes Forum, Rachel Keedwell spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The pace of bike safety in Palmerston North has slowed and Council needs to do more than lip service.


-       Cycle lanes need to be done in a single coherent way. The additional cycle lane budget is very small and Council should look at increasing this.


Creative Sounds Society (427)

Representing the Creative Sounds Society, Harry Lilley spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Council needs to have the resources to back up the arts powerhouse strategy, as they currently do not.


-       Art organisations in Palmerston North are currently under funded, and need to receive more operational funding.


Malcolm Frith (356)

Malcolm Frith spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Feels that the Council does not do the everyday things. Things around the city do not seem to get fixed. 


-       The Highbury infrastructure is poor and Council needs to enhance the shopping center and create more road crossings.


Peter Brent (357)

Peter Brent spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The compound rate increase shown in the Long Term Plan is more than 50.7% and this to too expensive. It will discourage people moving here. 


-       Council should reduce the annual grant which they give to Te Manawa Museum by 66%. The total grant is far too high.


Malcolm Hopwood (359)

Malcolm Hopwood spoke to his submission and made no additional comments.


Hoffman Kiln Trust Board (439)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Hoffman Kiln Trust Board, Cliff Wilson and Marise Clark and made the following additional comments to their submission:


-       They would like help and/or resources from the Council in terms of materials to remove graffiti on the outside of the building.


Pit Park People Society Inc (439)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Pit Park People Society Inc, Marise Clark spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       That the memorandum of understanding between the Council and the Society is working well. 


-       They have a large amount of volunteers especially from schools and Massey University students.


-       There is still about 1/3 of the site to be developed.


-       They do request that programme 1265 be shifted from operational to capital budget. 


Kenneth Benn (446)

Kenneth Benn spoke to his submission and made no additional comments.


Palmerston North Labour Electorate Committee (191)

Representing the Palmerston North Labour Electorate Committee, Amy Viles and Katherine Chisholm spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       They support social housing, but do not support Council not subsidizing those in need. We are a low wage society, and people cannot afford to live. 


-       Support Council to make a commitment to becoming a living wage employer.


Multicultural Society (78)

Representing the Multicultural Society, Ronda and Ravi spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       There is still a lack of communication between the society and council.


-       Need more funding from Council to hold events as these can cost a lot. Want to ensure they have Council support for 10 years not three.


The meeting adjourned at 9.12pm

9.00am Friday 11 May 2018


Luck Trust (370):

Representing the Luck Trust, Christina Hemmingsen and Bill Foster spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Appreciates the good relationship between the Luck Trust, MASH and the Council.


-       Likes the city center strategy and transformation. But the Long Term Plan is unlikely to access people who really need it. The rent increases are too high and are against the people who have the lowest incomes.


Te Manawa Museum Trust Board  (228)

Representing the Te Manawa Museum Trust Board, Andy Lowe (Chief Executive) and John Fowke (Chairperson) spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The amount proposed for scoping Te Manawa 20/12 is inadequate. More money needs to be moved into year 1 of the plan.


-       Council needs to support the commitment so that Te Manawa can seek out the additional funding which they need.


Heather Knox (157)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Heather Knox spoke to her submissions and made the following additional comments:


-       Supports most of the targets within the plan. The Council needs to make the city more child friendly. There needs to be more things for children to do.


-       There needs to be an online presence of where to go and do things. Need to use social media more. 


Marilyn and Bruce Bulloch (160)

Marilyn Bulloch spoke to their submission and made no additional comments.


Manawatu Chamber of Commerce (243)

Representing the Manawatu Chamber of Commerce, Amanda Linsley spoke to the submission and made the following additional comment:


-       Council needs to look at alternative ways of funding, for example looking at Public Private Partnerships.


The Science Centre Inc (318)

Representing The Science Centre Inc, David Shillington spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Bainesse and Districts Community Development Trust (365)

Representing the Bainesse and Districts Community Development Trust, Alisa Hartford, Ed Millard and Fiona Reed spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Heritage Estates (2000) Ltd and Pioneer City West Ltd (393)

Representing Heritage Estates (2000) Ltd and Pioneer West Ltd, Amanda Coast and John Buckerhead spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Palmerston North Street Van (395)


Councillor Lew Findlay declared a conflict of interest and left the discussion.


Representing the Palmerston North Street Van, Ben Schmidt spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The Council needs to lobby the Regional Council on increasing the number of buses and increasing the hours of operations of the buses. This will help ensure that Palmerston North is a safer city at night.


-       Does not support market rents on Council properties. These need to be affordable for the community.


-       Council should conduct a regular Street safety audit.


-       Agrees that Council should adopt the living wage for staff.


Chris Teo-Sherrell (403)

Chris Teo-Sherrell spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Council is too obsessed with growth. The growth targets and projections listed within the document are not sustainable or realistic. Major banks and Immigration New Zealand have all stated that immigration will fall in the coming years. The consultancy report is floored and Council should revisit this information.


-       Council needs to have more of a focus on active transport. Council also needs to focus on maintaining and sweeping roads and cycle lanes.


-       Supports Council adopting the living wage.


Massey University Student Association (418)

Representing the Massey University Student Association, Ben Schmidt spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Council needs to ensure that there is a compulsory WOF on all rental properties. Currently students can be easily exploited by land


-       More work needs to be done on Palmerston North being a safe city. Council should reinstate the City Angel.


-       More events needs to be targeting at youth and students.


The meeting adjourned at 11.03am


12.00pm Friday 11 May 2018


Manawatu District Council (412):


Councillor Leonie Hapeta declared a conflict of interest and withdrew from the table for submission number 412.  Councillor Aleisha Rutherford chaired that part of the meeting.


Representing the Manawatu District Council, Mayor Helen Worboys, Lisa Thomas and Hamish Waugh spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Palmerston North Community Services Council (327):


Councillor Karen Naylor entered the meeting at 12.16pm


Representing the Palmerston North Community Services Council, Fraser Greig and Kate Costley spoke to the submission and made the following additional comment.


-        The funding pool was small for community groups but the level of work involved in applying for funding was long.  The setup of SmartyGrants had been useful but it was a small step.


E tū (325):

Representing E tū, Lyn Williams and Tim Simpsn spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-           If people are better paid then the town would be better as there is more money to spend on the local economy.


-           Those people that were better paid had access to better food and are therefore healthier leading to better well-being.


MASH Trust  (374):

Representing MASH Trust, David Robinson, Sharon Saxton and Christine Hemmingsen spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-         Whilst an increase in rent of $7-$17 may not affect some individuals it is a big difference for others.  MASH Trust would like to work with Council to look at other options.


-         If there are the right people talking together, could look at working in partnership with Council on Social Housing.  There could be alternative funding campaign and other innovative ideas.


Manfeild Park Trust (379):


Councillor Leonie Hapeta declared a conflict of interest and withdrew from the table for submission number 412.  Councillor Aleisha Rutherford chaired that part of the meeting.


Representing Manfeild Park Trust, Julie Keane spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-         Was supportive of the creation of the Regional Facility Fund through Horizons Regional Council and has asked that the level be increased from $500,000 per annum to $1million per annum.


-         The Trust had completed an economic impact assessment of the operations of the park over the 2017 calendar year.  They had hosted 464 evens that had attracted 109,133 people to the park.


-         Encourages Council to continue funding in the event space and consider an increase in funds.  The Trust was grateful to have received a grant that contributed to the success of the NZ Grand Prix in 2018.


NextEra Global (394):

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing NextEra Global, Graham Vaughan-Jones spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Manawatu Chinese Association (110):

Representing the Manawatu Chinese Association, Allan Young spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments.


-        Adding a Chinese garden to the Esplanade would add bio-diversity and the proposed location could be done up with very little change to what is there already and at very little cost.


-        The garden would enhance the experience in the Esplanade and it would be good to involve our Sister City.


Councillor Aleisha Rutherford left the meeting at 1.18pm


Tania Kopytko and Nick Watson (426):

Tania Kopytko and Nick Watson spoke to their submission and made the following additional comment:


-        Palmerston North was a fantastic training ground for arts and culture and there was a need to engage with the whole arts sector and that needs to be facilitated.


Councillors Lew Findlay and Karen Naylor left the meeting at 1.23pm


Palmerston North Dance Association (448):

Representing the Palmerston North Dance Association, Maryanne Mecehn spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-         The Globe Theatre has a wonderful legacy and there has been a lot of change there recently and it is starting to gather momentum.


-         The leased parking on Pitt Street gave valuable access to theatre and would like to suggest that these parks be allocated to users of the Theatre by the Theatre Manager.


Te Manawa Art Society (451):

Representing the Te Manawa Art Society, Jean Corbin Thomas and Lyn Lowe spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-         The Art Society should be recognised as a major stakeholder and have someone on the Board from the Arts Society.


-         The Art Society were supportive of the TM2025 vision but could not support the current plans that have been circulated as would want a dedicated arts space.


Green Corridors (226):

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Green Corridors, Selwyn Yorke spoke to the submission and made the following additional comment:


-        Do monitor wildlife and had noted an increase in birdlife.


Environment Network Manawatu (422):

Representing the Environment Network Manawatu, Sally Pearce and Stewart Harrex spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        Would like to see some recognition for the work they do.


-        There was an intention to work with Te Manawa to see if there was an opportunity to have an environmental centre there.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison left the meeting at 2.06pm


Environment Network Manawatu – Biodiversity Cluster Group (422):

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Environment Network Manawatu – Biodiversity Cluster Group, Fiona Gordon and Tom Shannon spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Meeting adjourned at 2.24pm


12.00pm Tuesday 15 May 2018


Larry Haist (269)

Larry Haist spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Council needs to be aware of the long term risks within the next 20-50 years like climate change/increased population/aging population. The plan does not list this sort of information.


-       Council should support the living wage for staff and ensure that contractors are also paid the living wage.


-       Would like to watch Council and Committee meetings online.


Health Hub Project New Zealand (314)

Representing the Health Hub Project New Zealand, Norelle Ward and Andrew Knowlen spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Alliance Franchise Palmerston North (323)

Representing the Alliance Franchise Palmerston North, Corey Taylor spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Federated Farmers (402)

Representing Federated Farmers, Coralee Matena and James Stuart spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Shane O’Brien (423)

Shane O’Brien spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The ever increasing costs of Council cannot continue on forever. There needs to be a time when Council stops increasing rates.


-       Building costs keep increasing. Cost of compliance has been raised several 100% since he has been in business.


-       Development Contributions are not a “one size fits all”. Council needs to look at this as it is slowing down development.


Susan McConachy (449)

Susan McConachy spoke to her submission and made no additional comments.


Robyn Tillman (428)

Robyn Tillman spoke to her submission and made the following additional comment:


-       The Esplanade has a special character which has been made by foresight of previous curators. Council needs to reduce the amount of traffic going through the Esplanade.


Palmerston North Safety Advisory Board (430)


Councillor Vaughan Dennison declared a conflict of interest and left the discussion.


Representing the Palmerston North Advisory Board, Vaughan Dennison and Zoe Kavanagh spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Paul Barris (330)

Paul Barris spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Council needs to focus more on the big picture for the city. Does think that the goals and targets are good.


-       Do not understand why Council needs to spend so much money. Need to have a strategy for managing the debt. Swap rates is an option.


Te Manawa Museum Society (408)

Representing the Te Manawa Museum Society, Fiona McKerrow spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Sport New Zealand (366)


Councillor Leonie Hapeta declared a conflict of interest and left the discussion.


Representing Sport New Zealand, Colin Stone spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Wayne Masters (20)

Wayne Masters spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The Council needs to have a high quality service.


-       Supports the vision of the Long Term Plan. Supports the new Te Manawa vision.


The meeting adjourned at 2.11pm


9.00am Wednesday 16 May 2018


Jenny Olsson (249)

Jenny Olsson spoke to her submission and made the following additional comments:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) entered the meeting at 9.06am


-        Please do not spend any more money on streetscape until the streetscape implementation of the LED lights in residential areas have been fixed.


-        Many people that she had spoken with refuted claims that the Te Patikitiki Library was inaccessible and unfriendly.  If the library moved to Brentwood Ave this would actually make it more inaccessible.


-        While supportive of the work that Te Aroha Noa does, believes that the library should not be an issue for them as their core work should be around housing, feeding and clothing those in need.  If they have $2million to spend this would be used to assist with housing.


Peter Shelton (360)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Peter Shelton spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison entered the meeting at 9.18am


-        The Art Gallery Building should be retained and the additions as shown in the current plans should proceed to give the Art Soceity more exhibition and Storage Space.


-        It was not easy to combine Art, Science and Museum space and believes the Frankenstein experiment had failed.


-        Wanted to form a new Trust dedicated to Arts and have this Trust run the Art Gallery.


Sue Artner (182)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Sue Artner spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-        The experiment of the combined Arts, Science and Museum over the last two decades had been detrimental to the Art Gallery and Council needs to future proof the Art Gallery.


-        There needed to be better promotion of exhibitions including creating posters that could be distributed to schools, cafes etc.


Bunnythorpe Public Hall Society Inc  (202)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing Bunnythorpe Public Hall Society Inc, Anne Russell and Flo Gibson spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-         The site for the Community Centre had been chosen and agreed on and the present building on the recreation ground is old and dangerous and will be demolished and replaced.


-         The Bunnythorpe community is contributing $360,000 to the project and have also met with Council staff to consider other funding options.


-         They urge Council to vote yes for the continuance of the project.


Bunnythorpe Community Committee (232)

Representing Bunnythorpe Community Committee, Jean Thompson Church QSM spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-           A number of residents do not receive the Square Circular therefore were not always informed of Council’s activities.


Manawatu Branch New Zealand Camellia Society (248)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing Manawatu Branch New Zealand Camellia Society, Robyn Tillman and Vince Neall spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


College Street Normal School (63)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the College Street Normal School, Jacob Lean and Tommy Ready spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments.


-           At the current skate park they had noticed a number of younger children being hurt by teenagers and believed that a skatepark designed for younger children would reduce this risk.


-           Since the upgrade of the current park they had noticed a larger number of younger children being hurt as the upgrades are designed for teenagers.


-           The Junior Road safety park was designed for six years and under and therefore there was nothing for the 7-12 age group.


Peter and Jacqui Thompson (264)

Peter Thompson spoke to their submission and made the following additional comment:


-           Was 100% behind the plan and believed that if we didn’t go ahead then with city will be left behind and it will be harder to attract businesses and large events.


PN Public Sculpture Trust (313)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the PN Public Sculpture Trust, Simon Barnett, Bronwyn Zimmerman, Tim Mordaunt, Robyn Higgins and Peter Shelton0 spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-           The Arts and Cultural sectors can be a big part of the city.


-           Believed that the Trusts success was partly due to be separate from Council and Te Manawa.


Paul Austin (36)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Councillor Tangi Utikere left the meeting at 10.47am


Paul Austin spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


John Shennan (104)

John Shennan spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-           The Living Wage was a mechanism to address inequality.


The Mayor (Grant Smith) left the meeting at 11.14am


-           There was an aspirational aspect to the Living Wage and Council could become a Living Wage accredited employer and Councils national are moving to the Living Wage.


Councillor Leonie Hapeta left the meeting at 11.18am


Unions Manawatu  (353)

Representing the Unions Manawatu, John Shennan spoke to the submission and made no additional comments:


Judith Benson (44)

Judith Benson spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-           There was a need for a one stop shop approach to TM2025 for visitors and something for everyone.


-           Currently Palmerston North does miss out on exhibitions due to the space available.


-           TM2025 would reach more people and also nationally and internationally with touring exhibitions.


Meeting adjourned at 11.34am


3.30pm Thursday 16 May 2018


New Zealand Rugby Museum (326)

Representing the New Zealand Rugby Museum, Steven Berg and Wayne Edwards spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The $20k grant the Rugby Museum received from Council in 2016 was used in 18 months.


-       Steven Berg is the only paid employee of the Rugby Museum.


-       The number of visitors to the Rugby Museum is growing every year.


-       They were happy for the $20k grant requested to be spread out over a couple of years.


-       They have roughly 50 volunteers.


-       A travelling exhibition could be on the cards as their next step.


Andrew Simpson (97)

Andrew Simpson spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The majority of greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand are caused by stock, transport and manufacturing, all of which the Palmerston North greater city contributes its fair share.


-       While the Council’s listed priorities are all positive, it does not seem likely that these will affect reduction in the key areas to any noticeable degree. Nor does it seem likely that the proposed 4.2% of the total expenditure that has been committed to the Eco City over the next ten years will affect a 25% emission reduction.


-       Considering the Council’s goal of 12,000 more jobs in the next ten years, all other things being equal, emissions will rise considerably. So to achieve annual emissions of 25% less than 2018 levels, each successive year will require greater emission reductions in the city to account for the population increase.


-       It was asked when will the plans for emission reduction be ready? And, if after investigation, the allocated 4.2% of the total budget will not suffice to reach at 25% reduction, does Council intend to prioritise sustainability by compromising funding in other areas, or is the 25% reduction target conditional if not costing more than 4.2% of the budget.


Matthew McKenzie (235)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation and video link) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Matthew McKenzie spoke to his submission and made no further additional comments.


Forest & Bird Manawatu Branch (302)

Further information (PowerPoint presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Forest & Bird Manawatu Branch, Anthea McClelland spoke to the submission and made no further additional comments.


PSA (168)

Representing PSA, Kevin Bunker spoke to the submission and made no further additional comments.


Luit Bieringa (454)

Luit Beiringa spoke to his submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Smaller clones of Te Papa will never have the same resources, whether in terms of specialist staff or in depth collections.


-       The recently acquired TM 2025 document seems aspirational, yet lacks a modicum of reality.


-       Recommends that the TM 2025 team temporarily set aside some of its inflated rhetoric, take a step back and assess what sort of museum structure would best drive any future plans and or infrastructure that can really affect the clearly articulated changes and improvements desired.


-       Recommends that the city contemplate a range of existing models including that of the Wellington Museums Trust rather than a Te Papa clone which has so miserably failed in its attempt to address that component of its makeup that was the National Art Gallery.


ICPM (240)

Representing ICPM, Tim Middlehurst spoke to the submission and made no further additional comments.


All Saints Church (453)

Further information (handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing All Saints Church, Clive Pedley, Jenny Boyack, John Hornblow and Nigel Dixon spoke to the submission and made no further additional comments.


Councillor Susan Baty left the meeting at 5.07pm.


Bronwyn Zimmerman (272)

Further information (PowerPoint presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Bronwyn Zimmerman spoke to her submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Looks forward to Te Manawa updating its informational website to reflect the assurance that our Art Gallery building is safe from demolition.


-       The people who stated in their submissions that the Art Gallery is “a disgrace” and an “embarrassment” were not talking about the physical state of the building, they were talking about the result of years of misjudgment and neglect in how the Art Gallery is run.


-       The Art Gallery has suffered multiple losses over recent years including the once lively schedule of exhibitions; the quality and number of art exhibitions able to be viewed at the public Art Gallery; qualified curatorial staff with offices in the Art Gallery building; the gift shop; the area in the Art Gallery where children could play; the employees who used to set up the art exhibitions; and preparing to lose even the basic ability to enter the Art Gallery building as the entire building is to be closed for many months for what we are told are “desperately needed repairs”.


-       Merging the Art Gallery into Te Manawa was a mistake and the Art Gallery must return to a model in which it operates under its own Trust Board, with its own staff and with a director who is actually qualified in visual art.


-       We already have a fit for purpose Art Gallery building and a significant art collection, and it is not too late for Council to give out Art Gallery the tools that are needed for it to become the visual arts powerhouse we desire.


-       The Council needs to accept that, while it was well intentioned at the time, the stitching together of the Art Gallery with Te Manawa has not worked and return the Art Gallery back to the management model it once enjoyed of being run by its own Trust Board.


Councillor Leonie Hapeta left the meeting at 5.19pm.

The Mayor (Grant Smith) left the meeting at 5.19pm.

Councillor Rachel Bowen left the meeting at 5.19pm.


PN City Environmental Trust (401)

Further information (PowerPoint Presentation) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing PN City Environmental Trust, Fiona Gordon spoke to the submission and made no further additional comments.


Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club (315)

Further information (handout) was tabled at the meeting for circulation to Elected Members.


Representing the Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club, Alec Mackay spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       The Regional Life Guard service is run Monday to Friday over six weeks, mid December to end of January. This is funded by Palmerston North City Council and Manawatu District Council and it would not be possible without their support.


-       Volunteers are always required which will put more pressure on the local community.


Meeting adjourned at 5.37pm


7.00pm Wednesday 16 May 2018


Manawatu Rose Society Inc (250) and New Zealand Rose Society Inc (252)

Representing the Manawatu Rose Society Inc and the New Zealand Rose Society Inc, Hayden Foulds spoke to the submissions and made the following additional comments:


-       That the Manawatu Rose Society receives great support from the Council and the relationship is very strong.


-       They would like to see more advertising both domestically and internationally of the Esplanade Rose Garden and perhaps having a rose museum based at Te Manawa.


Massey Roots and Shoots (86)

Representing Massey Roots and Shoots, Nila Taylor and Marie Potthoff spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.


Palmerston North Youth Council (320)

Representing the Palmerston North Youth Council, Maddison McQueen-Davies spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Mental health is a very important topic for youth, and there is no mention of this in the Long Term Plan. Council needs to work more on improving mental health with the District Health Board.


-       A number of youth in Palmerston North City find it hard to do things and what activities are on offer are expensive for younger people.


Councillor Brent Barrett entered the meeting at 7.22pm

-       Do not support market rates for Council housing.


-       Council needs to make their information more assessable and make the language easier to understand. Council needs to include more information around programmes or projects.


Forrest and Bird Manawatu Youth (398)

Representing the Forrest and Bird Manawatu Youth, Amy Nielsen spoke to the submission and made the following additional comments:


-       Supports that Council wants to be a role model in energy saving. Need to get community also on board. Council could have subsidies on energy saving light bulbs and heatpumps.


-       Need to plant along the river bank to stop pollutants entering the river.


Councillor Karen Naylor entered the meeting at 7.37pm


Students Manawatu (417)

Representing the Students Manawatu, Joe Love and Ben Schmidt spoke to the submission and made no additional comments.



Moved Grant Smith, seconded Tangi Utikere.


To refer all material to the Committee of Council meeting on the 28 May 2018 for consideration.



The meeting finished at 7.51pm


Confirmed 28 May 2018













TO:                                Committee of Council

MEETING DATE:           28 May 2018

TITLE:                            Deliberations on Public Consultation on the Consultation Document and Supporting Information for the Proposed 2018-28 Long-term Plan, Council's Strategies and Plans, Financial and Infrastructure Strategies, Revenue and Financing Policy and Development Contributions Policy.

DATE:                            2 May 2018

AUTHOR/S:                   Andrew Boyle, Head of Community Planning, City Future




1.   That the submissions and comments received on the consultation material for the Proposed Long-term Plan (10 Year Plan), Financial and Infrastructure Strategies, Revenue and Financing Policy, Development Contributions Policy, Significance and Engagement Policy, City Development Strategy, Economic Development Strategy, Creative and Liveable Strategy, Connected Community Strategy, and Eco City Strategy be received (separately circulated).


2.   That the officer comments made in response to the issues raised during the Long-term Plan and Strategy consultation and attached as Appendix 1 be received.


3.   That the Chief Executive be instructed to prepare a draft of the final Long-term Plan for consideration by the Committee of Council on 11 June 2018 and that it incorporate:

3.1 the proposed carry forwards and budget changes as attached in Appendix 2;

3.2 any amendments as a result of public consultation or referral of items to the Long-term Plan from Council Committees (Appendix 3) as determined by the Committee of Council.






1.         ISSUE

The Council needs to adopt its 2018-28 Long-term Plan (10 Year Plan), including the Financial and Infrastructure Strategies, by the end of June.  At the same time it will also adopt a set of Council Strategies that show how the Council will achieve the Long-term Plan Vision and Goals.  Summaries of Asset Management Plans will also be presented for endorsement.

The Council has consulted on draft information that will make up the proposed Long-term Plan and Council Strategies.

Council now needs to consider the submissions and comments made during the consultation and give officers direction so they can finalise the Long-term Plan and the Strategies.

Finalising the Plan has several steps.  Officers will present a draft Long-term Plan to Committee of Council on 11 June to approve for auditing.  Council’s auditors will review the Plan to ensure it meets legal requirements.  They will then prepare an Audit Report and bring it to the Council meeting on 25 June.  Council adopts the Plan and, if it is adopted unchanged from the 11 June, Audit will present Council with the Audit Report.

If the Council amends the Plan on the 25 June then Audit will need to do another review. Council is legally required to adopt the Long-term Plan with an Audit report by 30 June.  It sets the rates at the same time.  Another Audit review would make meeting this legal timeline very difficult. 

Hence the Committee needs to be sure that the Plan it approves on 11 June reflects all the changes it wishes to make, so all changes need to be raised and decided on at the 28‑29 May meeting.

The Strategies, as amended by Committee of Council following the consultation, are not audited and will be presented to the Council meeting on 25 June for adoption.


2.         BACKGROUND

The consultation was called “What’s the Big Picture?” and it included:

·    a Consultation Document,

·    a website, with interactive maps, videos and feedback forms

·    targeted social media promotion pointing people to the website and encouraging them to have their say

·    Let’s Talk sector focussed meetings on the environment, arts, sport, community services and business (open to sector groups and the public)

·    Let’s Talk general meetings, including meetings in Longburn, Bunnythorpe and Ashhurst

·    Square Circular articles and postcards to all households

·    cinema, radio, newspaper and billboard promotions

·    mini pop-up events in public places and events

·    media briefings.

Consultation ran from the 19 March to the 23 April.  Council received 457 submissions and 252 Facebook and website comments.

The most common issues/topics raised were:


What do you think of our draft vision – Small City Benefits, Big City Ambition?  220 submitters commented: majority support the vision seeing it as a way to move our city beyond small town thinking to grow our status and reputation, while some see it as too much money spent on things that are not important.


Proposed Rates Increase.  78 submitters commented. Most do not support the proposed rates increase, either because we should be spending within our means or because it affects those on fixed or low incomes.


Te Manawa 2025.  167 submitters commented (plus 21 online comments) about the proposed redevelopment, with majority in favour of the upgrade and earthquake strengthening. Some submitters commented that they did not see a revamped Te Manawa attracting enough patronage to make the expenditure worthwhile. A further 30 submitters commented on the plans for the Art Gallery – with a strong theme coming through of retaining the Art Gallery as an iconic building with ideas of it being returned to a separate institution from Te Manawa.


Proposed Project for Victoria Esplanade.  155 submitters commented (and nine online comments) with 86 in support of the overall plan as it is a drawcard for visitors and has room for continual improvements. 45 submitters were opposed as they thought the Esplanade was perfect as it is and the plans were too expensive. A number of submitters saw the Park Road entranceway as an important part of the Victoria Esplanade Masterplan for safety reasons.  Submission have also been referred to the Esplanade Masterplan for consideration as part of finalising the plan, which will be reported to the September 2018 Sport and Recreation Committee.


Central Energy Trust Arena Masterplan.  148 submitters commented (plus 21 online comments) on the plans for Arena, majority in favour of the proposal stating that our city needs a multi-function centre to attract sports and cultural events. Some submitters think that a user-pays option would be better and that Council shouldn’t be spending significantly on this. In relation to this 42 submitters commented on the Sports House with 40 in support and 2 against. 


Proposed Project City Centre Streetscape.  142 submitters commented (plus 29 online comments) on this, with a range of feedback, 62 in support, 47 opposed and 33 with no specific stance but feedback and suggestions provided. Some submitters commented it is essential to attract new people and businesses and that the proposed listed order is appropriate, others suggested it is expensive and not needed as it is beautiful as it is.


Active Transport.  117 submitters commented (plus 20 online comments) on Active Transport, most support Council’s programmes and plans for cycling, walking, pathways and the like, with a strong emphasis on safety deemed necessary. Specific projects commented on:


·    Palmerston North to Bunnythorpe Cycle/Pedestrian pathway – 21 submitters commented, majority in support.

·    Manawatu River (Ashhurst to Riverside Drive) – Cycle/Pedestrian pathway – 15 submitters commented, majority in support.

·    Napier Road (SH3) / Roberts Line intersection pedestrian and cyclists safety upgrade –14 submitters commented, majority in support.

·    Aokautere Drive Pedestrian and Cycle improvements – 13 submitters commented, majority in support.

·    Summerhill Drive Pedestrian and Cycle improvements – 13 submitters commented, majority in support.


Housing Support.  117 submitters commented, most are opposed to Council moving to market rates for rent for new tenants, but support Council building more units.


Wastewater.  112 submitters commented, (along with nine online comments) most see it as a priority and state that when options become available they would prefer an option that eliminates or reduces discharge into the Manawatu River.


Living Wage.  60 submitters commented (plus 34 online comments) most are in support of Council paying permanent staff the Living Wage.


Library of the Future.  32 submitters commented, majority in favour of the plans and see it as necessary to ensure that the library can remain the Living Room of the City, an active and vibrant space for our diverse community. There were also 17 online comments where a majority said a library café was not needed.


The consultation also included the Revenue and Financing Policy, the Development Contributions Policy and the Significance and Engagement Policy.  No issues were raised through the submissions that require a change to these policies.  (Note: the Schedule of Assets in the Development Contributions Policy will be updated to reflect changes the Council makes to the growth programmes.)

Submissions on the Unreinforced Masonry Earthquake-Prone Building: Priority Roads, Footpaths and Thoroughfares Consultation are being considered through a separate process.


3.         NEXT STEPS

As outlined above officers will prepare the final version of the Long-term Plan for the Committee of Council to approve for Audit on 11 June.  Audit reviews the Plan and officers bring it back to Council for adoption on 25 June.  The Council’s Strategies will be adopted and Plans endorsed at the same meeting and the Council will set the rates for 2018-19.

Officers will update the Plans that sit under the Strategies (Economic Development Plan, Sustainable Practices Plan, etc) to reflect all changes made to the Strategies and the Long-term Plan in light of the submissions.

The organisation then implements the Long-term Plan, Strategies and Plans, and Council governs and monitors this implementation.


4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?







Appendix 1A - Officer Comments Memo



Appendix 1B - Officer Comments



Appendix 2 - Proposed programme carry forwards and budget changes (attached separately)  



Appendix 3 - Referrals from Council (attached separately)  




Andrew Boyle

Head of Community Planning







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