Economic Development Committee
























Adrian Broad (Chairperson)

Leonie Hapeta (Deputy Chairperson)

Grant Smith (The Mayor)

Brent Barrett

Lew Findlay QSM

Rachel Bowen

Duncan McCann

Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke

Aleisha Rutherford

Vaughan Dennison

Tangi Utikere















Economic Development Committee MEETING


12 August 2019


Order of Business

1.         Apologies

2.         Notification of Additional Items

Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s), which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded, will be discussed.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.  No resolution, decision or recommendation can be made in respect of a minor item.

3.         Declarations of Interest (if any)

Members are reminded of their duty to give a general notice of any interest of items to be considered on this agenda and the need to declare these interests.

4.         Public Comment

To receive comments from members of the public on matters specified on this Agenda or, if time permits, on other Committee matters.

(NOTE:     If the Committee wishes to consider or discuss any issue raised that is not specified on the Agenda, other than to receive the comment made or refer it to the Chief Executive, then a resolution will need to be made in accordance with clause 2 above.)

5.         Presentation - Nero Restaurant                                                                          Page 7

6.         Presentation - Tui Early Learners                                                                        Page 9

7.         Presentation - Chard Consulting Limited                                                          Page 11

8.         Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                   Page 13

“That the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting of 10 June 2019 Part I Public be confirmed as a true and correct record.”  

9.         International Relations 6-monthly update                                                       Page 17

Memorandum, dated 23 July 2019 presented by Toni Grace, International Relations Manager.

10.       Committee Work Schedule                                                                                Page 53

 11.      Exclusion of Public



To be moved:

“That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution






This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.

Also that the persons listed below be permitted to remain after the public has been excluded for the reasons stated.

Chief Executive (Heather Shotter), Chief Financial Officer (Grant Elliott), Chief Infrastructure Officer (Tom Williams), General Manager – Strategy and Planning (Sheryl Bryant), General Manager - Community (Debbie Duncan), Chief Customer and Operating Officer (Chris Dyhrberg), General Manager - Marketing and Communications (Sacha Haskell), Sandra King (Executive Officer) because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with advice on matters both from an organisation-wide context (being members of the Council’s Executive Leadership Team) and also from their specific role within the Council.

Legal Counsel (John Annabell), because of his knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with legal and procedural advice.

Governance and Legal Team Leader (Charlotte Greig) and Committee Administrators (Penny Odell, Rachel Corser and Natalya Kushnirenko), because of their knowledge and ability to provide the meeting with procedural advice and record the proceedings of the meeting.

[Add Council Officers], because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report and answering questions, noting that such officer will be present at the meeting only for the item that relate to their respective report.

[Add Third Parties], because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report/s [or other matters as specified] and answering questions, noting that such person/s will be present at the meeting only for the items that relate to their respective report/s [or matters as specified].











TO:                                Economic Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           12 August 2019

TITLE:                            Presentation - Nero Restaurant



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Economic Development Committee

1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive the presentation for information.




Scott Kennedy, owner of Nero Restaurant, will speak about his local business and his ambassadorial role for NZ Beef and Lamb worldwide.










TO:                                Economic Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           12 August 2019

TITLE:                            Presentation - Tui Early Learners



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Economic Development Committee

1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive the presentation for information.




Lars and Deborah Pedersen, Directors of Tui Early Learners, Supreme Winners of the 2018 Westpac Manawatu Business Awards, will make a presentation about their success.










TO:                                Economic Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           12 August 2019

TITLE:                            Presentation - Chard Consulting Limited



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Economic Development Committee

1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive the presentation for information.




Fiona Chard, Managing Director of Chard Consulting Limited, together with her team, will speak about how a small, Palmerston North based business provides business management advice to nationwide organisations.










Palmerston North City Council


Minutes of the Economic Development Committee Meeting Part I Public, held in the Council Chamber, First Floor, Civic Administration Building, 32 The Square, Palmerston North on 10 June 2019, commencing at 9.00am



Councillor Adrian Broad (in the Chair), The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Rachel Bowen, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Duncan McCann and Aleisha Rutherford.

Non Members:

Councillors Susan Baty, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Karen Naylor and Bruno Petrenas.


Councillor Tangi Utikere (lateness)




Councillor Vaughan Dennison was present when the meeting resumed at 10.34am. He was not present for clause 20.

Councillor Tangi Utikere was present when the meeting resumed at 10.34am. He was not present for clause 20.





Moved Adrian Broad, seconded Leonie Hapeta.


1.   That the Committee receive the apologies.


Clause 20-19 above was carried 14 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Aleisha Rutherford.


The meeting adjourned at 9.01am

The meeting resumed at 10.34am


When the meeting resumed Councillors Vaughan Dennison and Tangi Utikere were present.





Presentation - Fonterra Research and Development Centre


Mark Piper made a presentation regarding the current work of Fonterra Research and Development Centre.


The Centre was established and had been located in Palmerston North since 1927, resulting in a long history with a diverse workforce. There was sometimes a challenge in attracting people to New Zealand but there had been no issues in attracting people to the Manawatu region.


There was no such thing as a global consumer with products such as cheese differing in various countries across the world. There was however a connected consumer, with an increase in consumers viewing and purchasing products online. To understand the market, it was essential to visit the market. It was an exciting time to be in the food industry and there was a great focus on sustainability and environmental issues such as reducing greenhouse gas, the use of fuel and looking at types of packaging used.



Moved Adrian Broad, seconded Rachel Bowen.


1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive the presentation for information.


Clause 21-19 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



Presentation - Rural Innovation Lab


James Stewart and Matt Hocken made a presentation regarding the Rural Innovation Lab which was a collaborative network between farmers and growers.


There were many talented people in the region and the lab was about bringing it all together. A bootcamp was planned for June which would enable farmers and growers to come together and discuss issues and ideas.


A ‘smartfarm’ network had been created which connected smart farmers and growers with others and would build capability to absorb new ideas and think innovatively.


Farming would always be required and so it was important to build the capability of farmers within the region.



Moved Grant Smith, seconded Leonie Hapeta.


1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive the presentation for information.


Clause 22-19 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



Presentation - 2019 NZ AgriFood Week


Tessa Lyons and Jemma Brackebush made a presentation regarding the 2019 NZ AgriFood Week.


There were many sponsors and partners for the event which created a platform for dialogue and networking. Objectives for 2019 were to raise the national and international profile, to grow the audience and online presence of the event and to host an international speaker.


The marketing campaign highlighted the expertise in the Manawatu for the week long event. The campaign resulted in nearly 1 million digital impressions, 23 articles published and 2 prime time breakfast television segments.


It was noted that planning for the 2020 event had commenced and Council was thanked for supporting the AgriFood Week.



Moved Leonie Hapeta, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive the presentation for information.


Clause 23-19 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.




Confirmation of Minutes


Moved Adrian Broad, seconded Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke.


1.   That the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting of 13 May 2019 Part I Public be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Clause 24-19 above was carried 15 votes to 0, with 1 abstention, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas and Tangi Utikere.


Councillor Aleisha Rutherford.



Committee Work Schedule


Moved Adrian Broad, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive its Work Schedule dated June 2019.


Clause 25-19 above was carried 16 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Adrian Broad, Gabrielle Bundy-Cooke, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Leonie Hapeta, Jim Jefferies, Lorna Johnson, Duncan McCann, Karen Naylor, Bruno Petrenas, Aleisha Rutherford and Tangi Utikere.



The meeting finished at 11.39am


Confirmed 12 August 2019











TO:                                Economic Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           12 August 2019

TITLE:                            International Relations 6-monthly update

Presented By:            Toni Grace, International Relations Manager

APPROVED BY:             Sheryl Bryant, General Manager - Strategy & Planning



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Economic Development Committee

1.   That the Committee note the progress of International Relations activity over the past six months, contributing to the International Relations Plan and Economic Development Strategy




1.         ISSUE

The purpose of this memorandum is to update the Economic Development Committee on the development of Palmerston North’s key international relationships and outcomes over the past six months, and their contribution to the relevant goal, strategy and plan. 

2.         BACKGROUND

On the establishment of the PNCC International Relations Office, Council agreed that a six-monthly report to the Economic Development Committee was an appropriate mechanism for keeping Council informed of general progress and developments.

3.         NEXT STEPS

The International Relations Office will continue to deliver actions as outlined in the report and International Relations Plan.

4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?

If Yes quote relevant clause(s) from Delegations Manual <Enter clause>


Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?



The recommendations contribute to Goal 1: An Innovative and Growing City

The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Economic Development Strategy

The recommendations contribute to the achievement of action/actions in the International Relations Plan

The action is: All actions


Contribution to strategic direction

The International Relations 6-month report outlines the progress of actions in the International Relations Plan, which contributes to the Economic Development Strategy of Goal 1: An innovative and growing city.





August 2019 International Relations 6 monthly update



PNCC International Relations news and articles Feb-Aug 2019



Krista's Year One Kunshan Report



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Committee Work Schedule

TO:                                Economic Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           12 August 2019

TITLE:                            Committee Work Schedule



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Economic Development Committee

1.   That the Economic Development Committee receive its Work Schedule dated August 2019.





Work Schedule



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