Community Development Committee
























Lorna Johnson (Chairperson)

Rachel Bowen (Deputy Chairperson)

Grant Smith (The Mayor)

Brent Barrett

Leonie Hapeta

Susan Baty

Billy Meehan

Zulfiqar Butt

Karen Naylor

Renee Dingwall

Bruno Petrenas

Lew Findlay QSM

Aleisha Rutherford

Patrick Handcock ONZM

Danielle Harris
















Community Development Committee MEETING


5 February 2020




Order of Business


1.         Apologies

2.         Notification of Additional Items

Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s), which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded, will be discussed.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.  No resolution, decision or recommendation can be made in respect of a minor item.

3.         Declarations of Interest (if any)

Members are reminded of their duty to give a general notice of any interest of items to be considered on this agenda and the need to declare these interests.



4.         Public Participation at Meetings                                                                         Page 7

Memorandum, presented by Natalya Kushnirenko, Democracy & Governance Administrator.

5.         Final report on Fees for Service contracts 2016-2019                                      Page 11

Memorandum, presented by Joann Ransom - Community Development Manager.

6.         Neighbourhoods, Villages & Rural Portfolio Update (January 2020)              Page 17

Memorandum, presented by Councillor Bruno Petrenas.

7.         Safe City Portfolio Update (January 2020)                                                        Page 21

Memorandum, presented by Councillor Patrick Handcock.

8.         Health & Wellbeing Portfolio Update (January 2020)                                      Page 25

Memorandum, presented by Councillor Bruno Petrenas (Acting for Councillor Billy Meehan).

9.         People & Community Portfolio Update (October 2019 - January 2020)         Page 29

Memorandum, presented by Councillor Lorna Johnson.

10.       Work Schedule                                                                                                   Page 35


11.       Exclusion of Public



To be moved:

“That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution






This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.

Also that the persons listed below be permitted to remain after the public has been excluded for the reasons stated.

[Add Third Parties], because of their knowledge and ability to assist the meeting in speaking to their report/s [or other matters as specified] and answering questions, noting that such person/s will be present at the meeting only for the items that relate to their respective report/s [or matters as specified].











TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            Public Participation at Meetings

Presented By:            Natalya Kushnirenko, Democracy & Governance Administrator

APPROVED BY:             Sheryl Bryant, General Manager - Strategy & Planning



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Community Development Committee

1.   That the Community Development Committee set aside a public comment section of not more than 30 minutes at the commencement of each ordinary meeting of the Committee to provide members of the community the opportunity to comment.



1.         ISSUE

Each newly established Committee needs to consider whether or not it wishes to have public participation at its meetings.  The procedures to receive public comment are set out in this report.

2.         BACKGROUND

It has been a decision by Committees and Subcommittees in the past to set aside a period of time to receive public comment at the beginning of the meetings for members of the public to comment on issues on the agenda, and if time permits, on other issues.  This procedure has been proven to be effective in providing an opportunity for greater communication with the community.

Providing a public comment section at the beginning of the meeting enables any member of the public to come along to the meeting to make comment on any matters on the agenda or other matters if time permits.

This procedure also enables an opportunity for quick response from any Council officer who might be present and also facilitates the request for reports for subsequent meetings.  In some cases, concerns raised by members of the public may well be resolved by Council officers present at the meeting.

The Council has previously adopted its own Standing Orders and in those Standing Orders provision has been made to allow for public comment at Committee and Subcommittee meetings should a Committee wish to adopt this practice.  Please refer to the ‘Public Participation’ section as outlined in clause 3.23 of the Palmerston North City Council’s Standing Orders, as appended to this report.

If a member or members of the public wish to comment on issues that do not appear on the agenda, they must do so with the Chairperson’s approval in the public comment section of the meeting.

3.         NEXT STEPS

If the Committee decide to allow public comment, this will be provided for in all Committee ordinary meetings for the following term.

4.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?


Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?


The recommendations contribute to Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community

The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Connected Community Strategy

The recommendations contribute to the achievement of action/actions in the Active Citizenship Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Contribution to strategic direction and to social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being

Increasing opportunities for the community to contribute to Council decision making and for the Council to engage with the community.





Standing Orders - Public Participation



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TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            Final report on Fees for Service contracts 2016-2019

Presented By:            Joann Ransom - Community Development Manager

APPROVED BY:             Chris Dyhrberg, Chief Customer Officer




1.   That the report entitled: ‘Final Report on Fees for Service Contracts 2016-2019’ be received for information.




1.         ISSUE

This memorandum is to provide a final report on the Fee for Service programme which ran from 01/07/2016-30/06/2019.

2.         BACKGROUND

2.1       The Fee for Service programme funded groups whose activities contributed towards Council’s approved Community Funding Outcomes. The funding programme was managed in accordance with Council’s Community Funding Policy 2012, and the budget and Community Funding Outcomes approved by Elected Members in 2015.

2.2       In late 2015, community groups were asked to submit proposals stating how their activities would contribute towards the Community Funding Outcomes. Of the sixty-three proposals submitted forty-nine groups were successful and entered into funding agreements to the value of $1.57m per year.

2.3       In August 2018 a report was brought to Council reviewing the performance of the funded groups at the half way mark of 18-months into their contracts. The results of the performance review were overall positive with 85% of groups given an overall performance rating of ‘good’ or ‘very good’ and the review teams felt they would fund 98% of groups again.

3.         performance

3.1       This report provides a final report on the 58 Fees for Service (FFS) contracts that were awarded to community groups from 2016-2019.

3.2       90% of contracts were completed and produced a significant number of benefits to their local communities. Highlights are presented in Appendix 1.

3.3       40 organisations completed their contracts with service delivery above 80%.  12 organisations completed their contracts to a satisfactory level with service delivery above 55%. 3 organisations failed to deliver more than 50% of their contracted services. These organisations were not granted funding in the 2019-21 Strategic Priority Grants funding round.

3.4       One organisation had their contract terminated due to non-completion of contracted deliverables while 3 organisations cancelled their grants by their own decision. 

3.5       $1,509,500 was paid from a pool of $1,620, 000. Of the funding granted $20,000 was returned to PNCC following a contractual termination and three organisations who chose to cancel their respective contracts did not uplift $90,500.


4.         Accountability

4.1       All organisations, except one, submitted the three annual accountability reports. The one organisation that failed to fulfil its accountability obligations in 2017 and 2018, did not receive funding in 2019 and the funds granted in the first two years were returned to Council.

4.2       Fee for Service recipients were graded against their successfully completed actions in relation to the intended actions they proposed to undertake in their application.

4.3       The majority of organisations managed to report on their work to a satisfactory degree, but the quality and quantity of information supplied in organisation’s reporting varied widely and often mistook Council strategies as the reporting foci rather than their own activities and initiatives. Council staff met with and communicated regularly with funded organisations to assist with the reporting process. Organisations were asked to include reports specific to their contracted actions, and often included annual reports to supplement their reports.


5.         looking forward

5.1       Strategic Priority Grants (SPG) replaced the FFS from 2019-2022 and funded groups whose activities contributed to Councils outcomes. 

5.2       A Results Based Accountability (RBA) approach has been applied in negotiating the SPG which will make quantifying and reporting on data an easier and clearer process, highlighting success and priorities.

5.3       It is expected that the clearer goals developed between Council Officers and organisations supported by the SPG process will clarify the work and successes of community organisations through a simple, unified reporting process.

5.4       This report concludes the reporting for the 2016/2019 FFS round.




6.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?

If Yes quote relevant clause(s) from Delegations Manual <Enter text>


Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?


The recommendations contribute to Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community

The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Connected Community Strategy

The recommendations contribute to the achievement of action/actions in the Community Support Plan

The action is:

Providing targeted funding that seeks to improve community outcomes

Monitor contracted organisations against Council outcomes

Contribution to strategic direction

The Fee for Service programme supported the community by funding groups whose activities contribute towards the Community Funding Outcomes that Council approved in 2015. These were updated as part of the Community Funding Policy 2018 to reflect Council’s new strategic direction. The Strategic Priority Grant programme has replaced the Fees for Service programme.






Highlights from the Fees for Service 2016-2019 funding round.



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TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            Neighbourhoods, Villages & Rural Portfolio Update (January 2020)

Presented By:            Councillor Bruno Petrenas

APPROVED BY:             Sheryl Bryant, General Manager - Strategy & Planning



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Community Development Committee

1.   That the Neighbourhood Villages and Rural Portfolio update report for January 2020 be received for information.




1.         BACKGROUND

The Neighbourhoods, Villages & Rural portfolio is reporting to the Community Development Committee for January 2020.

2.         NEXT STEPS

The Neighbourhoods, Villages & Rural portfolio members are encouraged to continue to update their goals and activities throughout the year.

3.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?


The recommendations contribute to Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community


The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Connected Community Strategy


Contribution to strategic direction and to social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being

Active citizenship plan – the portfolios provide an opportunity for Elected Members to report on their engagement with organisations in their sector.






January 2020 Neighbourhoods, Villages & Rural Portfolio Update



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TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            Safe City Portfolio Update (January 2020)

Presented By:            Councillor Patrick Handcock

APPROVED BY:             Sheryl Bryant, General Manager - Strategy & Planning



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Community Development Committee

1.   That the Safe City Portfolio update report for January 2020 be received for information.




1.         ISSUE

The Safe City portfolio is reporting to the Community Development Committee for January 2020.

2.         BACKGROUND

The Safe City portfolio members are encouraged to continue to update their goals and activities throughout the year.

3.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?



The recommendations contribute to Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community


The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Connected Community Strategy

Contribution to strategic direction and to social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being

Active Citizenship Plan – the portfolios provide an opportunity for Elected Members to report on their engagement with organisations in their sector.





Safe City Portfolio Update (January 2020)



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TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            Health & Wellbeing Portfolio Update (January 2020)

Presented By:            Councillor Bruno Petrenas (Acting for Councillor Billy Meehan)

APPROVED BY:             Sheryl Bryant, General Manager - Strategy & Planning



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Community Development Committee

1.   That the Health & Wellbeing Portfolio update report for January 2020 be received for information.




1.         BACKGROUND

The Health & Wellbeing portfolio is reporting to the Community Development Committee for January 2020.

2.         NEXT STEPS

The Health & Wellbeing portfolio members are encouraged to continue to update their goals and activities throughout the year.

3.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?


The recommendations contribute to Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community


The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Connected Community Strategy

Contribution to strategic direction and to social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being

Active Citizenship Plan – the portfolios provide an opportunity for Elected Members to report on their engagement with organisations in their sector.





Health & Wellbeing Portfolio Update (January 2020)



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TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            People & Community Portfolio Update (October 2019 - January 2020)

Presented By:            Councillor Lorna Johnson

APPROVED BY:             Sheryl Bryant, General Manager - Strategy & Planning



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Community Development Committee

1.   That the People & Community update report for October to January 2020 be received for information.

2.   That the Chief Executive ensures appropriate programmes and budgets are included in the draft annual plan process to support the continued partnership with diverse communities to deliver large diverse community events such as Diwali in the Square.




1.         BACKGROUND

The People & Community portfolio is reporting to the Community Development Committee for the period October 2019 to January 2020.

2.         NEXT STEPS

The People & Community portfolio members are encouraged to continue to update their goals and activities throughout the year.

3.         Compliance and administration

Does the Committee have delegated authority to decide?


Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?


The recommendations contribute to Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community

The recommendations contribute to the outcomes of the Connected Community Strategy

Contribution to strategic direction and to social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being

Active Citizenship Plan - the portfolios provide an opportunity for Elected Members to report on their engagement with organisations in their sector.






People & Community Portfolio Update (October 2019 - January 2020)



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Committee Work Schedule

TO:                                Community Development Committee

MEETING DATE:           5 February 2020

TITLE:                            Work Schedule



RECOMMENDATION(S) TO Community Development Committee

1.   That the Community Development Committee receive its Work Schedule dated February 2020 be accepted.





Community Development Committee Work Schedule for February 2020



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