







Grant Smith (Mayor)

Aleisha Rutherford (Deputy Mayor)

Brent Barrett

Patrick Handcock ONZM

Susan Baty

Leonie Hapeta

Rachel Bowen

Lorna Johnson

Zulfiqar Butt

Billy Meehan

Vaughan Dennison

Orphée Mickalad

Renee Dingwall

Karen Naylor

Lew Findlay QSM

Bruno Petrenas













21 September 2021




Order of Business


1.         Apologies

2.         Notification of Additional Items

Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s), which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded, will be discussed.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.  No resolution, decision or recommendation can be made in respect of a minor item.


3.         Declarations of Interest (if any)

Members are reminded of their duty to give a general notice of any interest of items to be considered on this agenda and the need to declare these interests.

4.         Representation Review 2021 - Hearing of Submissions                               Page 7

5.         Representation Review 2021 - Summary of submissions and consultation Page 135

Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy & Governance Manager.

6.         Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              Page 141

“That the minutes of the ordinary meeting of 1 September 2021 Public be confirmed as a true and correct record.”

7.         Council Work Schedule - September                                                        Page 155


Recommendations from Committee Meeting

8.         Presentation of the Public Planning & Strategy Committee’s Recommendations from its 8 September 2021 Meeting                                                                    Page 159

9.         Exclusion of Public



To be moved:

“That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution


Minutes of the ordinary meeting - Part II Confidential - 1 September 2021

For the reasons setout in the ordinary minutes of 1 September 2021, held in public present.


This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.



Submission From Consultation

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           21 September 2021

TITLE:                             Representation Review 2021 - Hearing of Submissions




That Council

1.   Hear submissions from presenters who indicated their wish to be heard in support of their submission.

2.   Note the Procedure for Hearing of Submissions, as described in the procedure sheet.


Submitters wishing to be heard in support of their submission

Submission No.




Thomas Anthony Goff



Larry Carne



Jean Hera from Te Ha Hine-ahu-one PN Women’s Health Collective



Gavin Lees



Julia Manssen



Miko Kirschbaum





Submission 1 to 81



Procedure Sheet





TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           21 September 2021

TITLE:                             Representation Review 2021 - Summary of submissions and consultation

Presented By:            Hannah White, Democracy and Governance Manager

APPROVED BY:            Sheryl Bryant, Assistant Chief Executive




1.   That the memorandum ‘Representation Review 2021- Summary of submissions and consultation’ presented to Council on 21 September 2021 be received.



1.         ISSUE

1.1       The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the consultation process and provide a summary of the submissions received.  A copy of the submissions received is included in the agenda.

2.         BACKGROUND

2.1       The Initial Proposal was adopted for consultation by Council on 4 August 2021.

2.2       Consultation on the Initial Proposal for representation arrangements for Palmerston North City Council was open from 6 August 2021 until 4pm 6 September 2021.

3.         Summary of consultation

3.1       The goals of the consultation were to meet our obligations under the Local Electoral Act, to heighten awareness of the representation review and encourage submissions.

3.2       The submission form broke down the Initial Proposal into three questions: whether submitters supported the number of councillors proposed, the basis of election (at-large) proposed, and the proposal not to establish community boards.

3.3       The consultation was interrupted by a change to the COVID-19 Alert level. During the consultation period, from 6 August-16 August Palmerston North was at level 1, 17 August- 31 August at level 4, 1 September- 6 September at COVID-19 Alert level 3.

3.4       Unfortunately, the abrupt change in alert levels interrupted several phases of the consultation and prevented Officers from being able to hold planned and advertised drop-in sessions; it also meant the scheduled household flier was unable to be completed within appropriate timeframes and hard copy submissions were unable to be collected at libraries.

3.5       Officers determined to continue with the agreed consultation period as it had originally been communicated to the public through public notice and advertisement. Pre-engagement activities were thorough and presented to elected members in the report to Council of 4 August (4 August Council agenda paper).

3.6       Rangitāne were involved from the pre-engagement phase. Relationships built in the pre-engagement phase which fed into the Initial Proposal also provided avenues for consultation materials to be shared. A communication was sent to groups and contacts asking that they encourage engagement with the consultation and asking to share the change of circumstances with their networks.

3.7       Resource was diverted to different online platforms in an effort to engage wider audiences and ensure residents were aware of the opportunity to submit. We know that more people were spending more time online during the lockdown period. Traffic on the Chorus network saw record daily peaks of 3.6 terabits per second in August 2021. The majority of visits to the representation review page on the website came through the Participate Palmy page, showing that people knew where they were going to find the information and make a submission.

3.8       Hard copy statements of proposal were available at all libraries and the Customer Service Centre while we were at COVID-19 Alert level 1. We did not receive any requests for hard copy material through the telephone while at higher alert levels. We took one submission via telephone.

3.9       Given the circumstances, officers are comfortable that there were multiple opportunities for engagement. The spread of topics covered by submissions suggests a wide range of voices contributed to the consultation.

3.10     Consultation promotion activities undertaken were:

·    Advertising in Rates Booklet

·    Public notice in the Manawatū Standard 7 August, website 6 August

·    Two advertisements in the Guardian local newspaper

·    Submissions boxes in all libraries and Customer Service Centre

·    Drop-in session at Te Manawa, Sunday 15 August

·    Radio advertising- Kia Ora FM 45 advertisements during consultation and 20 advertisements during pre-engagement, Mediaworks played 63 advertisements over breakfast and primetime radio, and NZME 74 advertisements

·    Poster distribution across the city - including tertiary institutes, village and suburban shopping centres, retirement villages, hardware stores, and supermarkets etc

·    E-fliers sent through school, early childhood centres, places of worship, Ashhurst Village Voice, Bunnythorpe Community Committee, Linton Camp, disability reference group, ethnic, environmental and arts networks

·    Landing webpage (1482 page views over the period) with online form, drop-in information, statement of proposal (34 downloads), report to Council (24 downloads), frequently asked questions (16 downloads).

·    Social media advertising - Stuff, Neighbourly (4836 views), Metservice (156 clicks through to the website)

·    10 Facebook and Instagram posts - each focusing on the launch of the consultation, a short explainer video (883 people engaged with (commented, liked or shared) post), drop-in session reminder, names of the wards (142 people engaged with post)

·    Advertising on iSite screen

·    PNCC email signature from 6 - 27 August. Council sends approximately 80,000 emails per month. There were 103 clicks through to the website from the email signature.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


4.         Summary of submissions

4.1       81 submissions were received. Of these, 9 indicated a wish to be heard. For context, the 2018 representation review consultation resulted in 20 submissions.

4.2       The table below sets out the breakdown of responses from submitters to the yes/no questions in the submission form.





No answer


Q1: 15 councillors 






Q2: at-large 






Q3: no community boards 







4.3       Comments from submitters will be analysed in a report to the 6 October 2021 Council meeting.

5.         NEXT STEPS

5.1       Further analysis of submissions will be undertaken and incorporated into a report to Council for the 6 October 2021 consideration of submissions and deliberations on the Final Proposal.


6.         Compliance and administration

Does the Council have delegated authority to decide?



Are the decisions significant?


If they are significant do they affect land or a body of water?


Can this decision only be made through a 10 Year Plan?


Does this decision require consultation through the Special Consultative procedure?


Is there funding in the current Annual Plan for these actions?


Are the recommendations inconsistent with any of Council’s policies or plans?


The recommendations contribute to Goal 5: A Driven & Enabling Council


The recommendations contribute to the achievement of action/actions in     Governance and Active Citizenship


The action is: Hold a representation review


Contribution to strategic direction and to social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being

Consultation as a process is an opportunity for residents to participate in local government and contribute to decision-making. The topic of consultation is inherently related to matters of representation and thus to access and active citizenship.






Palmerston North City Council


Minutes of the Council Meeting Public, held via an Audio Visual Meeting on 01 September 2021, commencing at 9.04am.



Grant Smith (The Mayor) (in the Chair) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


Councillor Bruno Petrenas.


Councillor Renee Dingwall left the meeting due to a connectivity issue at 12.53pm. She was not present for clause 98-21.





Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That Council receive the apologies.


Clause 86-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.




Declaration of Interest


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillor Renee Dingwall declared a conflict of interest in Item 13 Elected Member Appointments to the Caccia Birch Trust Board (clause 97-21) and took no further part in discussion or debate.

Councillor Vaughan Dennison declared a conflict of interest in Item 22 Tamakuku Terrace - Negotiations with Affordable Housing Providers (clause 105-21 Confidential) and took no further part in discussion or debate.



Presentation - Susan Freeman-Greene and Stuart Crosby - Local Government New Zealand

Presentation, by Susan Freeman-Greene and Stuart Crosby, Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ).

Mr Crosby and Ms Freeman-Greene made a presentation about the current process of the Three-Waters Reform Programme. The central government’s proposal to establish four new publicly-owned multi-regional entities is currently at the engagement stage seeking feedback from councils.

Mr Crosby and Ms Freeman-Greene discussed several critical issues arising from the proposal, such as the governance model for the new entities and their accountability; how to assure a proper connection between these entities and councils; and the lack of comprehensive information about the proposal to enable councils to consult with their communities, carry out the requested due diligence and make an informed decision. 


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the presentation by Ms Susan Freeman-Greene and Mr Stuart Crosby from Local Government New Zealand be received for information.



Clause 87-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



Presentation - Bill Bayfield, Chief Executive, Taumata Arowai

Presentation, by Bill Bayfield, Chief Executive, Taumata Arowai.

Mr Bayfield presented an update on Taumata Arowai, the new dedicated water services regulator, and the Water Services Bill, which provides the regulatory regime for Taumata Arowai to administer.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the presentation by Mr Bill Bayfield from Taumata Arowai be received for information.



Clause 88-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


Meeting adjourned at 10.11am

Meeting resumed at 10.16am



Chief Executive briefing to Council on the next stages of Three Waters Service Delivery Reform

Memorandum, presented by Heather Shotter, Chief Executive, Sarah Sinclair, Chief Infrastructure Officer and Sandra King, Transport & Infrastructure Manager.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That Council:

1.  Note the Government’s 30 June and 15 July 2021 Three Waters Reform announcements.

2.  Note officers’ preliminary advice on the accuracy of the information provided to Council in June and July 2021 as a result of the RFI (Request for Information) and WICS (Water Industry Commission for Scotland) modelling processes.

3.  Note officers’ preliminary analysis of the impacts of the Government’s proposed three water service delivery model on the Palmerston North City community and its wellbeing, including the impacts on the delivery of water services and water related outcomes, capability and capacity, on Palmerston North City Council’s (Council) sustainability (including rating impact, debt impact, and efficiency) and the conclusions that:

a. Without water reform, our current 10 Year Plan (LTP) is unsustainable based on good practice financial rules. Costs to ratepayers will significantly increase, with or without reform. With reform, there is the opportunity to escalate investment, and data gathering on asset condition and lifespan, which will both improve reliability of service.

b.  DIA (Department of Internal Affairs) Tranche 1 reform funding (received November 2020) of $9.34 million is currently allocated to 25 ‘live’ projects focussed on improving the resilience of three waters infrastructure and is 53% spent to date. Council has benefited from participation in the water reform process, through direct funding and indirectly through involvement in scene setting.

c.  The BPO (Nature Calls), our largest project, is not affected by the entity boundaries proposed. Timings are mandated by consent requirements, such that the consent must be lodged in June 2022, ahead of the reform. The timing makes it difficult for the new entity to be involved meaningfully during its establishment phase.

d.  Council has not budgeted in its current LTP for additional costs of compliance with new mandatory requirements from the Water Regulator, Taumata Arowai, which have recently been consulted on. This adds to the unaffordability of investment required to maintain assets and consent compliance.

e.  The cost of transition to any new entity for Council is not yet known, because the tasks and process to transition are yet undefined. Several tasks have been identified to date, which require significant resourcing at a time when resources are constrained nationally. More due diligence work is needed to ensure that we are ‘no worse off; there is potential for this analysis to be funded by diverting some of our DIA tranche 1 funding.

f.    The Transition Unit has guaranteed jobs to those non-executive staff working in water, for 18 months at their current location. The scope of the water entities is not yet defined, so the impact on staff outside of those directly involved in utility operation and maintenance is not yet understood. The new entities, as they are established, are likely to take staff out of Councils, who cannot be backfilled because of a nationwide shortage.

g.  There needs to be more clarity around how stormwater land use planning will function under water reform – the skill sets of stormwater utility management are quite different to those of land drainage as part of land development, and the management of water sensitive design assets is closer to parks’ capability than water network capability.

h.   There also needs to be more clarity around how the new entity will work with councils to prioritise growth and enable strategic plans to be realised.

4.  Note further Council specific information is yet to be received, or analysed, including detail on the cost of stranded overheads, the impact on the operational workforce, the resourcing and cost of the transition process, and other matters detailed in the report.

5.  Note that the ‘better off’ funding of $32,630,589 allocated to Council to spend on civic and community improvement requires engagement with iwi on what to spend the funds on, and confirm that consultation with the community will also form part of Council decision-making for allocation of this ‘better off’ funding; and also note that the Government will lead engagement with iwi/Maori over the reform programme.

6.  Note the analysis of three waters service delivery options available to Council at this time, in section 6 of this report.

7.  Note that a decision to support the Government’s preferred three waters service delivery option is not lawful (would be ultra vires) at present due to section 130 of the LGA (Local Government Act 2002), which prohibits Council from divesting its ownership or interest in a water service except to another local government organisation, noting Government’s stated intention for new legislation in this regard.

8.  Note that Council cannot make a formal decision on a regional option for three waters service delivery without doing a LTP amendment and ensuring it meets section 130 of the LGA.

9.  Note that community consultation would be required under Council’s significance policy once Council has further information on the range of options available to it and their implications for both Council and its communities, and Council has determined a preferred option for future three waters service delivery.

10. Request the Chief Executive Officer to seek guidance on and/or  give feedback to the Government on the following areas of the Government’s proposal that Council needs more information on:

a.   the final boundaries

b.   protections from privatisation

c.   plans for consultation with mana whenua and communities

d.   how community voice will be heard within the new entities, and what influence local authorities will have (and what the community can realistically expect the council to influence particularly if it is not on the regional Representation Group)

e.   representation from and on behalf of mana whenua on the reform proposals to date

f.    integration with other local government reform processes

g.   integration with spatial and local planning processes and growth

h.   prioritisation of investment, and alignment with Council priorities

i.    workforce and capability planning for the new entities– there are not enough of the right people now to deliver three waters and there is a need to retain our people through the transition

j.    what a Government Bill will cover and whether the reform will be mandatory

k.   conditions associated with the Government’s package of funding for local government 

l.    transition arrangements, including Council’s own workforce challenges (without transition challenges on top) and due diligence for asset transfers etc.

m.  the scope of the stormwater role that the entities will play, both in relation to growth and development planning, development control, and asset management and maintenance particularly of green or water-sensitive assets

n.   After reform, how the entity intends to engage with local communities, and the role of Council in advocacy, facilitation communication, response to failures (including demand management comms and engagement)

o.   How Councils will be involved in holding future entities accountable for performance and customer service levels

and suggests the following changes to the Government’s proposal/process:

p.   Suggest that the DIA confirms that stormwater in the context of land use planning, development and growth, remains with local authorities, and that the stormwater roles of the new entities are more clearly defined as network provision and maintenance to comply with regional plans. This includes working with flood-protected floor levels and the like set by Councils.

q.   Suggest that the role of the new entities in relation to stormwater quality is more clearly defined, to help councils understand which activities (such as raingarden maintenance, pond de-silting, street sweeping) will move to the new entities and which will stay.

r.    Suggest that the new entities consider the interface between roading and stormwater, when confirming which activities will remain with Council, and which will move to the new entity.

s.    Suggest the new water entities confirm that levels of service will be maintained or improved across the region and locally ie that Council levels of service will not fall under the new regime.

t.    Suggest the DIA works with officers on understanding Council overhead roles and costs, including defining activities and costs that Council will have in future relating to advocacy, consenting, bylaws, land use planning.

u.   Suggest the new water entities do not transfer any development contribution funds for assets that have already been built but have residual asset benefit.

v.   Suggest that budgets are allocated urgently to commence work on systems transition.

11. Requests that the Chief Executive report back further once she has received further information and guidance from Government on what the next steps look like and how these should be managed.


Clause 89-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.




Presentation – Craig Hart, Lions Club of Middle Districts

Presentation, by Mr Craig Hart, Lions Club of Middle Districts (Lions Club).

Mr Hart presented the views of the Lions Club regarding Item 8 ‘Victoria Esplanade – Mini Golf course lease’ (clause 92-21 below) and requested the following two changes to the draft land lease agreement currently under negotiation between the Council and the Lions Club:

·    to agree the term of the lease as 10 years with a right of renewal for another 10 years, to give long-term certainty to the project and the related relevant capital investment; and


·    to remove clause 47 of the proposed lease which grants Council the right of early termination of the lease with only three months’ notice.  The Lions believe clause 47 is unfair given the considerable financial cost the Lions are proposing to put into the development.  The Council’s right to terminate the agreement is already covered  in clause 9.2 which entitles the Council to terminate the agreement in the event of a breach of the lease by the tenant.



Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the presentation by Mr Craig Hart from the Lions Club Middle Districts be received  for information.



Clause 90-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



Confirmation of Minutes


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the minutes of the ordinary meeting of 25 August 2021 Part I Public be confirmed as a true and correct record.



Clause 91-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.








Victoria Esplanade - Mini Golf Course Lease Proposal

Report, presented by Bryce Hosking, Manager - Property and Kathy Dever-Tod, Parks & Reserves Manager.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That Council approve the extended lease term of ten (10) years plus a right of renewal of ten (10) years for The Lions Club of Middle Districts Incorporated to enable development of an 18-hole mini golf course within the Play Zone of the Victoria Esplanade, and remove the early termination clause within the Lease.



Clause 92-21 above was carried 14 votes to 1, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


Councillor Vaughan Dennison.


The meeting adjourned at 11.51am

The meeting resumed at 12.05pm



The Globe Theatre Trust - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024

Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy & Governance Manager, and Mr Gerry Keating, Manager, The Globe Theatre.

Mr Keating and Elected Members acknowledged the passing of Ms Maxine Dale, Chair of the Globe Theatre Trust, and her important contribution to the organisation.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the Council agree the Statement of Intent 2021-2024 submitted by the Globe Theatre Trust, attached as Appendix 1 of the report titled ‘The Globe Theatre Trust - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024’.



Clause 93-21 above was carried 14 votes to 1, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


Councillor Lorna Johnson.



The Regent Theatre Trust - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024

Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy & Governance Manager, Mr David Walsh, Manager, Regent Theatre and Mr David Lea, Chair, Regent Theatre Trust Board.

The passing of Mr Pat Snoxell was acknowledged as well as his valuable contributions to the Regent Theatre.



Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the Council agree the Statement of Intent 2021-2024 submitted by the Regent Theatre Trust, attached as Appendix 1 of the report titled ‘The Regent Theatre Trust - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024’.



Clause 94-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



Te Manawa Museums Trust - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024

Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy & Governance Manager, Mr Andy Lowe, Chief Executive, Te Manawa Museums, Mr John Fowke, Chair, Te Manawa Museums Trust Board and Ms Catherine Parsons, Finance Leader.


Councillor Aleisha Rutherford assumed the Chair at 12.33pm when the Mayor (Grant Smith) left the meeting due to a technical issue.

The Mayor (Grant Smith) re-entered the meeting and resumed as Chair at 12.37pm.

In discussion an additional motion passed releasing Te Manawa Museums Trust from additional reporting previously requested by the Council.


Moved Aleisha Rutherford, seconded Rachel Bowen.


1.   That the Council agree the final Statement of Intent 2021-2024 submitted by Te Manawa Museums Trust, attached as Appendix 1 of the report titled ‘Te Manawa Museums Trust - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024’.



Moved Rachel Bowen, seconded Brent Barrett

2.   That Te Manawa Museums Trust Board reporting arrangements return to align with legislative requirements.



Clause 95-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



Caccia Birch Trust Board - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024

Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy & Governance Manager, and Mr Grant O’Donnell, Chair of Caccia Birch Trust Board.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the Council agree the Statement of Intent 2021-2024 submitted by Caccia Birch Trust Board, attached as Appendix 1 of the report titled ‘Caccia Birch Trust Board - Final Statement of Intent 2021-2024’.



Clause 96-21 above was carried 14 votes to 1, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


Councillor Lorna Johnson.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillor Dingwall declared a conflict of interest and left the meeting.  Councillor Aleisha Rutherford assumed the Chair for clause 97-21.



Elected Member Appointments to the Caccia Birch Trust Board

Memorandum, presented by Hannah White, Democracy and Governance Manager.


Moved Rachel Bowen, seconded Vaughan Dennison.


1.   To appoint the Mayor, Grant Smith and Cr. Renee Dingwall as trustees on the Caccia Birch Trust Board until 1 August 2022.



Clause 97-21 above was carried 13 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



The Mayor (Grant Smith) returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair at the conclusion of clause 97.21.



Clearview Reserve - Easement Proposal to Powerco

Report, presented by Bryce Hosking, Manager - Property and Kathy Dever-Tod, Parks & Reserves Manager.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


1.   That Council, as the administering body of Clearview Reserve (legally described as Part of Lot 1 DP 69185), authorise the granting of an easement to convey electricity, to Powerco.

2.   That Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by delegation under the Reserves Act 1977, authorise the granting of an easement to convey electricity, to Powerco.

3.   That Council note that the requirements of Section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987 have been satisfied in relation to consultation with Iwi over granting an easement to convey electricity at Clearview Reserve.

4.   That Council note that the requirements of Sections 119 and 120 of the Reserves Act 1977 have been satisfied in relation to public notification prior to the resolution to grant an easement to convey electricity over Clearview Reserve.



Clause 98-21 above was carried 14 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


The meeting adjourned at 12.55pm

The meeting resumed at 2.00pm

Councillor Dingwall returned to the meeting at 2.00pm.



Quarterly Performance and Financial Report - Quarter Ending 30 June 2021

Memorandum, presented by Stuart McKinnon, Chief Financial Officer and Andrew Boyle, Head of Community Planning.


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


1.   That Council note that the capital expenditure carry forward values in the 2021/22 Long Term Plan Budget will be increased by $2.44M, capital revenue will be increased by $562K and operational expenditure will be increased by $131K as per the details in Appendix 4 of this report.

2.   That Council note that capital expenditure carry forward values in the 2021/22 Long Term Plan Budget relating to the three water reform funding will be increased by $1.74M, capital revenue will be increased by $1.74M, operational expenditure will be increased by $744K and operational revenue will be increased by $744K as per the details in Appendix 4 of this report.



Clause 99-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



Council Work Schedule


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the Council receive its Work Schedule dated September 2021.



Clause 100-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.


Exclusion of Public


Recommendation to Exclude Public


Moved Grant Smith, seconded Aleisha Rutherford.


That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in the table below.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for passing this resolution


Award of Contract - Crematorium Seismic Strengthening

Third Party Commercial



Trustee/Director Appointments to Council Organisations




Civic Honours Awards 2021




Tamakuku Terrace - Negotiations with Affordable Housing Providers




This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.



Clause 101-21 above was carried 15 votes to 0, the voting being as follows:


The Mayor (Grant Smith) and Councillors Brent Barrett, Susan Baty, Rachel Bowen, Zulfiqar Butt, Vaughan Dennison, Renee Dingwall, Lew Findlay QSM, Patrick Handcock ONZM, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor and Aleisha Rutherford.



The public part of the meeting finished at 2.45pm


Confirmed 21 September 2021










Committee Work Schedule

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           21 September 2021

TITLE:                             Council Work Schedule - September




1.   That the Council receive its Work Schedule dated September 2021




Work Schedule




Recommendations from Committee

TO:                                Council

MEETING DATE:           21 September 2021

TITLE:                             Presentation of the Part I Public Planning & Strategy Committee Recommendations from its 8 September 2021 Meeting



Set out below are the recommendations only from the Planning & Strategy Committee meeting Part I Public held on 8 September 2021. The Council may resolve to adopt, amend, receive, note or not adopt any such recommendations. (SO 3.18.1)



Draft Stormwater Bylaw - approval for consultation

Memorandum, presented by Julie Macdonald - Strategy & Policy Manager.


1.   That the Council approve the draft Palmerston North Stormwater Bylaw 2022 Consultation Document (as attached as attachment one in the report titled “Draft Stormwater Bylaw – approval for consultation” presented to the Planning & Strategy Committee on 8 September 2021) for public consultation.

2.   That the Chief Executive be authorised to approve minor amendments to the consultation document prior to publication.